My name is Steve, I live in Orlando, FL. I first heard of Kiefer and Dangerously Hardcore from the Paleo Solution Podcast and over the last few weeks I've managed to purchase both CNS and CBL. I will be starting on CNS starting next week as I've got quite a bit of bodyfat I'd like to lose before going to CBL. I've been lifting off and on for the last 15 years and over this last year I found Wendler's 5/3/1 and have made more progress this year than any other (go figure).I got my squat up to 400, dead lift 420 overhead press 200 and bench climbing slowly at 315.I'm currently 311lbs at about 26% bf, I'm working to get that down to 15 or less.On to my issue,I purchased CBL over a week ago and I am still unable to access the CBL forum. Every time I go to the page to do the verification it says it can't verify my email even though it is the same exact one I used to purchase the books. I sent to messages to the admin, but haven't had any success. Can anyone point me in the right direction?