Good day to you all and I look forward to putting on my blog the progress that I make.. Here is progress from basically LG with a mixture of cbl results I have had up to today.
Honestly from September to January was when I was doing CBL and I saw great results but a problem I have always had is not sticking to a plan and that again caused me to stray from the plan and went to carb cycling and dropped from 180-145. Today is my last day on the prep phase and I weighed in at 142 this morning.
My training is going to be a 4 day-split with HIIT before the workout and on those 4 days I will CBL. 2 days of LISS such as cycling or a nice walk outside. I look forward to keeping everyone updated.
Macros: Rest day- Carbs under 30, Fat- 200, Protein-130 (2400 Calories)
Training day- Carbs 400, Fat- 100, Protein- 130 (3000 Calories)