New supp I am interested in — wanted to ask the CNS / CBL experts…

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  • #2744 will be released on 7/20, and they have a pre-sale going on if you buy it early.  The ingredients CAN be found in other products, individually, and are very solid, with scientific research backing them (esp. DIM).For instance...-Androst-3,5-dien-7,17-dione is also in PES "Erase", and it destroys Estrogen, but it also controls Cortisol.-Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a well-known Estrogen modulator, coverting estro levels from the "bad" variety, to the "good" variety.  This clearly works in conjuction with the Andro.-The other ingredients look like DHEA metabolites.MY QUESTION:They recommend taking it with your first meal, which in my case would be after a 12-hour fast (noon-ish).  The product claims to "control" cortisol... is that okay on CNS?From what I gather, cortisol is most important DURING the fast (esp. in the AM) to burn fat.  However, cortisol shifts to muscle burning, later.  Would it still be OK to take this product, with my first meal, AFTER the initial fasting stage?  Therefore, reaping this product's benefits for the remainder of the day.This is why I am calling all true CNS / CBL experts (I am currently on CNS).The primary reason I am interested in this product is for estrogen control / modulation, esp. with the increase in "T" due to the fats in the CNS diet.  I am a 31 y/o male, and I do hold stubborn fat in trouble spots (like around the pecs, upper legs, areas of the midsection).  I figured, this would help me diminish / eliminate fat in some of those trouble spots, that are more typically controlled by estro.Thanks in advance.Cory


    Igor Vidovic

    Looks intriguing Cory… I'll be interested to see what kind of results come out from it if you do decide to start.  My doc just told me to start DHEA 25mg/day for 3 months so I can't try the Nolvadren untill I get more blood work done

    training log


    Looks intriguing Cory... I'll be interested to see what kind of results come out from it if you do decide to start.  My doc just told me to start DHEA 25mg/day for 3 months so I can't try the Nolvadren untill I get more blood work done

    I currently take 50mg DHEA, per day, in the mornings.  Recommended for people over 30, b/c natural production begins to wane, and it is integral to retaining youthfulness, hormone levels and even disease-prevention.As an active person, I read it was recommended to take.  That said, I hear 50mg/day is all you need (unless you are terribly deficient).  50mg/day is also harmless, side-wise, according to research.Cory


    Looks to me like a solid supp, not sure about effectiveness on CNS/CBL, but if you try it please keep us all informed.


    Looks to me like a solid supp, not sure about effectiveness on CNS/CBL, but if you try it please keep us all informed.

    My biggest worry is the "cortisol control" element.  I know cortisol is a BIG factor in CNS, but mostly in the mornings (fasted).  So, I imagine, taking this with my first meal won't cause any issues, and I can still reap the benefits of the estro-control (w/o f--king the mechanics of the CNS protocol).CNS aside, it looks like a supp that TRULY does what it says.  The ingredients are not bull$h1t.  No filler.  They also make sense, synergistically (like Gaspari's products).Cory


    I agree, providing we still get that daily fast, and that post waking Ghrelin/GH release, that taking it with your first meal should be great.



    I'm assuming that a 20 year old like myself has no use for either of the supps mentioned here?


    I'm assuming that a 20 year old like myself has no use for either of the supps mentioned here?

    At your age, your hormone levels should be just fine.  I'd say begin considering these types of supps once you pass 25.  They will help you stay active, keep progress coming, keep youthful, healthy, etc.  It is what we do when we are young, that will affect the quality of life when we are older... which is why I am not f--king about, and taking this type of $h1t seriously, now that I have hit 31.GH and DHEA begin to decline, by 25 (GH quite severely).  Test begins to decline, at a rate of 1% per year (from baseline) by 30.You are eligible for replacement therapy in your 40s, if your doctor sees fit.  However, like I said, what you do now, will affect whether you even need that by 40.Cory

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New supp I am interested in — wanted to ask the CNS / CBL experts…

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