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    Dear Members,I've been researching CBL since I read about it on Elite Fitness and thought I'd give it a try.  I've always been one to experiment on myself, just to see how things go and I'm always challenging some new found theories to see what kind of results can be had from CBL.  I've always been one to question the common knowledge and do the extra research to figure out what's really going on behind the scenes, especially with fat loss and muscle gain, so when I read about Mr. Keifer's new program (new to me I suspect) I had to try it just to see what all the fluff was about.  I've researched quite a few of Keifer's articles that he mentions in his notes and have found most of the science as factual as possible, which is a positive aspect for CBL.  However, I'm going to wait until he has published his next book, as the first book has poor reviews on the contents and completeness of his work up to this point.  As with any developing science, nutrition is far behind the power curve.Aside from further anecdotes, I wish to know if anyone is training primarily in the AM?Anyone doing double splits?  Training in the AM and PM?Did anyone get a delay from switching from Anabolic Diet or Paleo Type dieting to fasting?Those are my questions for the day.  I'm just trying to see who's out there doing the same sort of programming that I myself am pursuing.  I tend to have a lot of free time, since I'm deployed overseas, so my workout schedule is exceptionally fitting for experimentation.  However, my dietary choices are quite limited and I have to try and make do with what I have available, especially since times for the chow hall is limited and the stocks of coconut oil closeby are few and far between.Any takers?v/rGremlin


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome to DH, I went through the exact same thing when I was deployed as well. It's fairly difficult to get stuff over there. I know that you can order Coconut Oil from or, and I also believe They all have a wide variety of supplements that'll help with CNS/CBL. To help answer any of your questions if you train double splits, do the lighter session in the mornings and heavy sessions in the evening and backload after that one. If you just want to train in the morning then backload the night prior to help fuel that morning's training. I won't ask where you're at because of OPSEC, but if you can for lunch get the beef patties and any other fatty cuts of beef, maybe even some spinach/salad greens. Then for the evening enjoy yourself with a normal dinner and later a dessert. Hope this helps. Appreciate you being over there and be safe.



    Thanks for the info Big Tex.I am aware of ordering the coconut oil online, but I'm almost done over here so I'm going to try to make it work with some EVOO.  Not quite the same, but I think it will accomplish the same thing essentially.I find it difficult to get a lot of heavy training done in the evening, as most everyone else is trying to workout in the evening so the majority of my heavier exercises are done in the morning, at least with the big compound lifts. I train high volume in a 5-3-1 hybrid split for hypertrophy.  I do several exercises in the morning, mostly compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench, standing shoulder presses as my main lifts) with a couple assistance lifts and gymnastic movements (which I currently suck at, but am getting better).  Then I perform some cardio, generally either a long run, sprints, or tire drags.  I've tried getting together enough material to make a Prowler, but it's fallen off my list of importance for the moment.Then, since Keifer's programming requires muscular activation I've been putting four to six exercises in the PM time frame that I can get done.  More hypertrophy focused for the contraction-isometric-stretch, followed sometimes by some more light cardio and foam rolling.  I rarely take an off day, which is my limiting factor and I realize this, but I just listen to my body and when it tells me to take a day off I do.  I don't really follow a set schedule, I just go down on my list of workouts, perform them, and then slack off on a day when I start feeling drained.  I just love to lift, it's a curse over here at times.As far as nutrition goes I was following a paleo-type eating pattern, closely associated with the Anabolic Diet.  Although I was consuming too many mixed nuts, just because they were available, but typical diet pattern was as follows:PreWO: 1 scoop whey isolate + suppsWORKOUT/CARDIOPostWO:2cups eggs5-6 pcs baconcoffee + creamer (wish we could get real cream) + Splendajerky (or) bacon from breakfast4oz nutscoffee + Splenda1lg salad w/ vinegar/oil6oz chicken breast (or) hamburger w/ cheese (or) some other fatty meatWO2Pre or Post WO: 2scoops whey1lg salad w/ vinegar/oil6oz chicken breast (or) hamburger w/ cheese (or) some other fatty meat*Normally I can stay on this scheme for about 3-4 days before having a cheat day where I eat pretty much what I want...carbs included.  My typical cheats are French Toast (or) any bread with peanut butter and jam; chicken tenders with bbq sauce, onion rings, and salads with French Dressing and croutons.  Current Diet Scheme:0300 coffee+Splenda+Cinnamon upon waking...0330-0500 WorkoutPost Workout 0530 1 scoop whey isolate + suppsfast as long as possible 0800 is as far as I've made it so far, still pretty unused to fasting for so long...0600 coffee + creamer + splenda0800 2 cups eggs         6pcs bacon *try to hold off until noon*  If not jerky or fat meat for snack1200 1lg salad w/ vinegar/oil        6oz phillie steak (or) hamburger w/ cheese (or) some other fatty meat1400 Workout 21530 2scoops isolated whey        1 Cliff Bar (sometimes)1700 1 m salad w/ vinegar/oil        6 oz fatty meat        2 Pita Breads + peanut butter        (or) cottage cheese with strawberries; two pcs French toast; or whatever I'm in the mood for...which isn't much out here.Seems to be working pretty well.  Although I think I need to spike up insulin a little more...I don't last very long at night since I go to bed shortly after 1800 in order to get up at 0300 every morning.  Do you have any tips through the fasting part of the morning?  That seems to be the difficult part for me at the moment.  v/rGremlin


    Richard Schmitt

    Tips? Shoot a lot of coffee of hunger is a problem. Water as well. I know how boring it can get too so besides lifting eating is the only other thing to do.Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Roger, coffee, water, more coffee…v/rGremlin


    Igor Vidovic

    Gremlin welcome aboard……Search am training, we just started a thread recently and will update more. I'm doing a mix of am and pm sessions. Each week is diff depending on work schedule. Lots of fun figuring out the timing of things

    training log


    Jeffrey Hansen

    Also, Kiefer does not like evoo.  Especially if you are using it in the am with coffee that is not recommended.For the  uscle sparing actions you need coconut oil or mct oil.  If you can't use those, perhaps use some butter and heavy cream.  That would be more for the energy a couple of hours later though.

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