New to CBL Questions

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    HiI just have a few questions I was hoping someone could clear up for me in regards to CBL.Im currently in the prep phase, last having a "carb nite" on friday and I was wondering about shortening this part by a day and if I can given my situationI was hoping to start backloading sunday (which would be day 9 of the ULC run) in order to be better prepared for training on monday.Currently I am training Mon-Friday for Olympic weightlifting(beginning about 10am).  At the moment my program is this:Monday is Snatch work (six triples), Squats (4x6) and RDL (4x6)Tuesday is Overhead Press (3x5) and Weighted Pull ups (3x5)Wednesday is Clean and Jerk work (six triples) + Squats (5x5 heavier than monday) and DL to the knee with a pause (5x5 heavier than Monday's RDL)Thursday is Bench Press (single and a down set), Pendlay Rows (3x5)Friday is Snatch (5x3) Clean and jerk (5x3) Squat (6x4 heavier than wed) and Clean DL (6x4 heavier than wed)Would I be correct in assuming this program sufficiently wipes out my glycogen stores enough to shorten the period of time? Or is some supplementary work neededNext is a question of clarification.  In redefining what an "off day" is according to the book, I think Kiefer reclassifies the day before a non workout day as a day off from backloading.  In the context of above, is this only going to include saturday or is Friday considered to be an off day as wellHow would Backloading work in the context of multiple training sessions per day?  As of now my main sessions are in the morning, but depending on how things go I might do an extra session later on (such as snatch work on wednesday afternoon) or I may split the session up into two: Typically fridays session where the planned deadlifts might be done in the afternoon.I imagine this would just be run like any modified CBL for morning training with the second sessions not being great enough to affect things.  Someone mentioned if the situation was reversed (lighter session morning, heavier in afternoon/evening) then it could be done like the original ideal CBL program.  I may end up attempting to move to this eventually.  However, tues/thurs sessions will likely always be in the morning. So: In the event of mixed training times; some in morning some in evening, would one simply backload accordingly depending on the day or should it remain consistent throughout?  This question might be confusing, if it is let me know and I'll attempt to reword it.Next: How might I accommodate backloading with a water cut for a competition? Would the water retention from backloading throw this off some or is this just something i'll have to experiment with for myself?Final Question, how would Kiefer's custom protein blends from protein factory fit into CBL? It looks like blend H is essentially the PWO shake absent creatine, leucine, and caffeine but I wasnt 100% sure on this.  Also where would Blend D fit in?Thanks for being patient and please forgive the ignorance

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