New to the site and just bought CBL

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    DC EVO

    Hey All,Bought the CBL book last night and read it in one go. Very interesting and definitely got lost a few times on the science parts, but will re-read again today and tomorrow to understand the processes better.I have followed LeanGains before without much success, not sure if it was my adherence or the structure of the protocol. I have for the last 5 weeks been following Ferruggias Renegade Diet and whilst I enjoy the recovery side to my digestive system I sometimes/often struggle to get enough clean carbs in during my busy day. I will continue with the Renegade diet for a little longer, while I further my understanding of CBL.Currently Im about 31, 6'3 tall, 105kg and last check at about 14% body fat. I follow the 531 program from Wendler and adhere to the Boring But Big version. I love the 531 set up, big exercises for big results. I'm currently in my 3rd month cycle of 531 and am working with 70% of maxes under the assistance work. The first week of that increase was a definite struggle, especially with only 100g carbs per day but have adjusted in the 2nd week and making the grade, just ๐Ÿ™‚Goals - stay at about 105kg maybe a little higher but under 10% bf. For me that would be bloody awesome! Plus, strong as an ox!Will post some questions in the other parts of the forum as and when they come up.Keep well allCheersDC


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome aboard!


    DC EVO

    Cheers Big TexNow just busy catching up with a lot of the other threads and gathering info.


    Lasse Elsbak

    Welcome! ^^I would recommend just starting with CBL. A lot of people have seen good results even doing much of it wrong, and the prep-phase gives you some time to read up as well. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Lasse Elsbak

    Also, please check out Since you're already on 5/3/1, I don't think it would take extra work to join in on that side. ๐Ÿ˜€

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New to the site and just bought CBL

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