New to, well, everything. Non-ideal 5/3/1 & CBL schedule question

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    Hi guys. New to forum. New to 5/3/1. New to CBL.Quick background:- Male- 5'10"- 155lb- "Skinny Fat" so while I'm light, I have lower back and chest fat that I need to lose.- Currently on day 8 of prep phase and going well.- Want to start SA as I want to lose that last annoying bit of fat whilst adding lean mass and GET STRONGER.I just have a question about when to backload. There are loads of questions about whether to BL day before or post training but I've spent hours looking for an answer and I can't quite get my head around my situation. The closest I've got is this post - - but my question is a bit more detailed.Basically, I am only able to train on Mon/Tue/Thurs with the 4 exercises rotating like so:Sq/BP/DeadPress/Sq/BPDead/Press/SqBP/Dead/Press1) I don't quite feel like I deserve a BL on the upper body days as I'm never as tired afterwards (obviously). And I'm also really concerned about doing too many BL so close together as I don't seem to handle carbs that well. When would you suggest?2) I have seen people advocating taking the carbs from the delta table, multiplying by 1.5 and spreading them out over the week. Could this work? If so, what would you suggest there?3) If you advocate carbs on a rest day how could I minimise the risks of fat gain?4) Any clues as to what the main differences are between SA and DB besides the amounts of supplements in the shakes? Is it number of backloads per week? I'm really keen to get this body fat down and getting my strength up.5) Part of me is tempted to just BL on Monday and Thursday as I know people have mentioned getting stronger with Carb Nite. Also, I haven't actually noticed a decrease in strength in prep phase and actually felt stronger (Hulk Effect or whatever maybe!) However, I just can't stand the volume of the assistance work! Which is obvious but I really like the Boring But Big Assistance as it gives me practice but also it's good for hypertrophy.Any help would be great. I've just started 5/3/1 and really loving it. I just desperately want my nutrition to fall in line as I don't want to get too big too quickly and possibly put on more fat but I don't want to hinder my strength gains. Probably sounds like a redundant comment as no one wants that but I just really put on fat very easily so want to get BF down as quick as possible.Having read through over 500 posts (ridiculous?) I have noticed a really great spirit amongst everyone here. Hope to become part of it!!Thanks!!KF


    Brian M Eckstrom

    instead of reading through “500 posts”, it might be best to read the book. not trying to rip on you, and i dont even have the CBL book; but, i do own CarbNite and that's what i follow. when i decide to make the switch, buying the book is going to be the best option. you'll never get enough “free information” on here to tweak the system to your individual goals.



    I agree. From some of the questions it doesn't sound like you've read the actual carb nite or carb back loading manuals? If you haven't, you really need to start there first. Most of the topics and discussions on this forum that you've been reading through tend to be of the tweaking nature, so trying to gather info from here without the book is like learning algebra without learning addition (again assuming you haven't read the book).

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New to, well, everything. Non-ideal 5/3/1 & CBL schedule question

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