Newbie! Need Help-Starting CN!!

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    Hey Everyone!I am just starting this CNS today and I feel good so far. I am having trouble finding information specifically geared for girls doing this diet. I am not going to have any carbs for 10 days.. and eat lots of protein, etc. Can anyone tell me what to eat to get the best results, and any other information I should know? I just have such a hard time wrapping my head around eating fat (bacon) and loosing weight... I have tried the no carb diets before and it has worked for me, but always made me feel slow and moody. I think this diet will work better but just need some feedback and making it more effective...etc. :-* ;D ;DAlso- I am going to start going back to the gym soon.If you need more information to help me, just ask! Thanks!!



    CNS provides you with weekly re-feeds that will restore fat-burning hormones, which is what makes it more optimal then the typical Low Carb dieting protocols swimming around the internet.  Macro-timing is what really puts CNS ahead of the curve, with regards to diet and nutrition.Most of the information is in the book, which is where i'd go first if you have questions, since that information came straight from the guru.  But if you are looking for suggestions then most of us will tell you that animal fats are optimal and a great way to attain protein needs.  I know eating fat to lose fat can be mind boggling but it works... check out the member logs  and results sections... lots of good before/after pics. Also there is a "women-only" board that you can share experiences and advice that may be help to you also.Welcome Aboard and best of luck.



    Thanks!! I appreciate that.. Where can I find those member blogs? Id like to see them!



    Thanks!! I appreciate that.. Where can I find those member blogs? Id like to see them!

    On the main forum it would be under "Member Logs" you can see others progress, also there is the "RESULTS"

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Newbie! Need Help-Starting CN!!

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