Nicotine Declassified/ Water Demystified/ Butter Clarified

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    Ha ha:) Just having fun with titles….



    Really, unless you're going into a show, it's something I would just let be and let it resolve itself over time.Water weight will naturally come down and go back up, seemingly at random, and it can even be a response to inflammation and things like that. As long as progress is continuing, it's not something I'd really focus on. Just my .02, Nat! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thank you, TCB

    Really, unless you're going into a show, it's something I would just let be and let it resolve itself over time.Water weight will naturally come down and go back up, seemingly at random, and it can even be a response to inflammation and things like that. As long as progress is continuing, it's not something I'd really focus on. Just my .02, Nat! ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Are you adding extra sodium to meals Natalia? If I add extra sodium to my meals and keep my water intake high I seem to look a bit drier (also helps in the gym as well). Counter intuitive but it is something that has worked for me.



    brad pilon has a short ebook on this topic called “Why Diets Stop Working”.. his solution to it is throwing in a 24h fast once a week or so.. or something like leangaines 16/8 everyday should help a lot with diet edema


    Are you adding extra sodium to meals Natalia? If I add extra sodium to my meals and keep my water intake high I seem to look a bit drier (also helps in the gym as well). Counter intuitive but it is something that has worked for me.

    Yes, Randy, I do. Thank you for input.

    brad pilon has a short ebook on this topic called "Why Diets Stop Working".. his solution to it is throwing in a 24h fast once a week or so.. or something like leangaines 16/8 everyday should help a lot with diet edema

    Hence the link ๐Ÿ˜‰ But yeah, I tried IFing before, LG and ESE. Nothing really worked till I went ULC. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro



    lol yea just saw that. at first thought it was vince's article but yea i see it's talking about brad's ebook.. the ebook is very short only 20 pages I wouldn't pay for it.. because the bottom line is fasting is what he suggest to combat dieter's edemamy best advice is to combine some form ofย  IF with CN



    Awesome. Thanks for sharing this.



    IF, CN, low protien, and high fat got me losing pounds again. Start my day off 8am with BP coffee 2tbs of both MCT and butter, then at 5-6pm I eat bunch of bacon and eggs.


    Start my day off 8am with BP coffee 2tbs of both MCT and butter, then at 5-6pm I eat bunch of bacon and eggs.

    That's boring...LOL:)Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro



    Start my day off 8am with BP coffee 2tbs of both MCT and butter, then at 5-6pm I eat bunch of bacon and eggs.

    That's boring...LOL:)Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

    It sure is but it also works....Only reason I don't have a meal in mid morning/afternoon is if I eat I just stay hungry and want to keep eating for the est of the day.

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Nicotine Declassified/ Water Demystified/ Butter Clarified

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