Nicotine Declassified

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    Nicotine Declassified released an hour ago.  Figured I would toss this out their because their is only about 1100 copies left for half price by Kiefer.  Heres the link


    Richard Schmitt

    Because its for fat loss.



    I also grabbed a copy – very interesting read. The only question I have though is this:Kiefer explicitly recommends ingesting nicotine in the absence of carbs. However, I train fasted in the AM doing CBL DB and he recommends 2mg immediately post workout.  I'm wondering if this means I should remove the carbs in my PWO shake. In the FAQ's he mentioned supplementing nicotine should not affect any of his other supplement recommendationsWhat do you guys think?



    I also grabbed a copy - very interesting read. The only question I have though is this:Kiefer explicitly recommends ingesting nicotine in the absence of carbs. However, I train fasted in the AM doing CBL DB and he recommends 2mg immediately post workout.  I'm wondering if this means I should remove the carbs in my PWO shake. In the FAQ's he mentioned supplementing nicotine should not affect any of his other supplement recommendationsWhat do you guys think?

    Tex's comment answers this. It's for fat loss. CBL-DB isn't.j40's post quotes the article as saying on DB you don't take it before or after training.



    Thanks for the reply guys. Big Tex, I understand your comment regarding nicotine being for fat loss but can I just check that his reason for not taking it pre workout has nothing to do with any intra workout shake a la John Meadows style, or the volume of carbs consumed later that day?Also, if that is the case I am curious as to why you would still take 4mg in the am when it would have the greatest impact?Thanks again team.



    I also grabbed a copy - very interesting read. The only question I have though is this:Kiefer explicitly recommends ingesting nicotine in the absence of carbs. However, I train fasted in the AM doing CBL DB and he recommends 2mg immediately post workout.  I'm wondering if this means I should remove the carbs in my PWO shake. In the FAQ's he mentioned supplementing nicotine should not affect any of his other supplement recommendationsWhat do you guys think?

    Tex's comment answers this. It's for fat loss. CBL-DB isn't.j40's post quotes the article as saying on DB you don't take it before or after training.

    j40 quoted the evening training protocol, I train in the morning. MORNING TRAINING PROTOCOL: 2 mg before training, then 2 mg immediately afterward.Given this suggestion, is the PWO shake sans carbs?



    Thanks for the reply guys. Big Tex, I understand your comment regarding nicotine being for fat loss but can I just check that his reason for not taking it pre workout has nothing to do with any intra workout shake a la John Meadows style, or the volume of carbs consumed later that day?Also, if that is the case I am curious as to why you would still take 4mg in the am when it would have the greatest impact?Thanks again team.

    Kiefer explains that nicotine can cause the body to dump tricylcerides which is dangerous when glucose is present because it can exacerbate the development of diabetes. This is why you should take it a few hours before training so that it clears your system and isn't present during your backload.


    Richard Schmitt

    For those who train in the morning, unless otherwise directed from Kiefer or any of his Coaches, I would NOT have carbs in the PWO, CNS or CBL (SA or DB) alike. Just go Whey, Leucine, and Creatine. Then do the nicotine supplementing.



    Kiefer explicitly recommends ingesting nicotine in the absence of carbs. However, I train fasted in the AM doing CBL DB and he recommends 2mg immediately post workout.  I'm wondering if this means I should remove the carbs in my PWO shake. In the FAQ's he mentioned supplementing nicotine should not affect any of his other supplement recommendationsWhat do you guys think?

    I am actually doing the same protocol as you. DB, train in the AM and have carbs after the workout.

    For those who train in the morning, unless otherwise directed from Kiefer or any of his Coaches, I would NOT have carbs in the PWO, CNS or CBL (SA or DB) alike. Just go Whey, Leucine, and Creatine. Then do the nicotine supplementing.

    I haven't seen any ill effects from having a ripe banana in the morning, Tex. I am DBing though, so fat loss is not of particular importance,  but I am still trying to minimize fat gain so if the banana was having an impact I would cease having it.Breen, in terms of how to fit in the nicotine protocol with this AM training + carbs, I would say only use nicotine in the mornings of off-days or take out the carbs and follow Kiefer's recommended protocol as Tex mentioned. I was thinking though, the morning carbs should be out of the system by the afternoon...and if the nicotine is only in the blood for two hours, or even three to four, then maybe we could take nicotine after lunch on workout days. Since the carbs should be cleared and we shouldn't be starting the backload for at least four hours after lunch then it seems like it should be okay.Thoughts, anybody?


    mazdak merrikh

    I ordered the digital copy but the download link won't work. Does anyone have contact info to get some help?



    I bought the nicotine ebook but never received the email with the file. Has anyone else had this problem? I emailed kiefer and submitted an inquiry on but haven't been able to get a response. 


    Richard Schmitt

    Problems already?? Could be false truths or issues with getting the payments accepted. I don't know.



    I ordered the digital copy but the download link won't work. Does anyone have contact info to get some help?

    How are you trying to download it? Right-clicking and Save Target As?



    I tend to agree with you there Chet.When DBing, muscle gains take priority over fat loss. PWO I think I'll continue to include 30-40g dextrose because the aim is to spike insulin and trigger growth right? For that reason I will most likely exclude nicotine on training days.  I feel I can get more bang for my buck supping 4mg nicotine on off days when I don't have carbs until later in the evening. Should make for a good fat burning period before my backload. Tex,Kiefer actually says the PWO shake is unchanged for AM training in CBL. I would maybe exclude the carbs if I was on SA because I could then remain ketogenic for longer and achieve slightly more fat loss but as I said above my priority now is making all kinds of gains. I'm wondering if I might be missing something though because your recommendation seems to go against what is in the CBL book. Not having a stab, just opening up the discussion 🙂


    mazdak merrikh

    I ordered the digital copy but the download link won't work. Does anyone have contact info to get some help?

    How are you trying to download it? Right-clicking and Save Target As?

    Ok after trying a few times it worked, it ended up giving me three different pages until the final one worked. Thanks

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Nicotine Declassified

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