Nicotine Declassified

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  • #199897

    Justin Guimond

    Does this book explain why to cycle on and off nicotine, and why that length of time?


    Richard Schmitt

    Does this book explain why to cycle on and off nicotine, and why that length of time?



    Tracy Jarchow

    Anywhere between, 4-6 cups of coffee plus caffeine powder.

    That's what I'm talking about! I'm not alone.


    Richard Schmitt

    I wanted to catch up on this old topic, has (or is) anyone using the Nicotine prescribed from the eBook? If so, any noticable results, no results, etc?


    Adrian Caron

    I just read through the eBook myself, and am considering trying it out with CNS.  Also interested in any results and feedback as well as which program CBL or CNS was being used.


    I wanted to catch up on this old topic, has (or is) anyone using the Nicotine prescribed from the eBook? If so, any noticable results, no results, etc?

    I see on your your log you have been using it, your on CBL at the moment right?Any changes for you?I am on CBL currently, but am hesitant using with all the negative effects it might have with carbs and all. I would like to include it ,but it would be nice to know how it has been effecting you...Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


    Richard Schmitt

    I wanted to catch up on this old topic, has (or is) anyone using the Nicotine prescribed from the eBook? If so, any noticable results, no results, etc?

    I see on your your log you have been using it, your on CBL at the moment right?Any changes for you?I am on CBL currently, but am hesitant using with all the negative effects it might have with carbs and all. I would like to include it ,but it would be nice to know how it has been effecting you...Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    To be honest, I haven't blown up if even with the carbs more frequently than someone running CNS. I have a piece upon waking after brushing my teeth, and chew that for about 30 minutes before drinking a couple cups of coffee at work. We have a scheduled lunch time so that helps, but an hour or so after lunch I chew the last piece making sure it is at least 3-4 hours pre-workout. I want to give some good detail about when and how I take it. The gum helps, but if nutrition is not on point or stress under-control, then it doesn't show great improvements. I'm going to run without it again for two weeks and closely monitor any changes. I feel great, and alert when taking it though.


    Adrian Caron

    I feel great, and alert when taking it though.

    That's the one thing that seems more noticeable with people using it (as I hear/read) is the cognitive response that you get as a benefit.



    From my own experience, while it helps getting me a tiny bit drier, it is especially good as a nootropic and just increasing my performance in the gym, especially when I am going sans carbs around my workouts. I have pretty bad ADD and nicotine is awesome for focus, so that alone is a good reason to have it. Finally it is a good appetite suppressant, so when trying to cut down on food intake it can be helpful.


    Richard Schmitt

    I found that to be a similar case with me. The focus, and suppressant during the day. Now for the fat loss I believe it needs to be a continued use to see anything


    Richard Schmitt

    Wait…have y'all listened to the Q&A podcast?…about the Nicotine with CBL SA?…T_T



    Wait...have y'all listened to the Q&A podcast?...about the Nicotine with CBL SA?...T_T

    Oh NO!!!!New podcast so lets change everything. Lol



    Gonna listen to it right now, but I rarely change my diet when something new comes out. I like to experiment on my own before checking out if the science confirms what I am thinking. I should keep these podcasts right before I go to bed as I couldn't care less about the nerdy health stuff. More training ideas and poop jokes for this guy.


    Richard Schmitt

    Wait...have y'all listened to the Q&A podcast?...about the Nicotine with CBL SA?...T_T

    Oh NO!!!!New podcast so lets change everything. Lol

    I know, oh damn! T_T I was being facetious. Pretty much swapping the dosages.


    Richard Schmitt

    Gonna listen to it right now, but I rarely change my diet when something new comes out. I like to experiment on my own before checking out if the science confirms what I am thinking. I should keep these podcasts right before I go to bed as I couldn't care less about the nerdy health stuff. More training ideas and poop jokes for this guy.

    It was just swapping the dosages nothing major.

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 172 total)

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Nicotine Declassified

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