Nicotine Declassified

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    I bought the nicotine ebook but never received the email with the file. Has anyone else had this problem? I emailed kiefer and submitted an inquiry on but haven't been able to get a response.

    Put in a support ticket on and they will help you out. More often than not it is people misspelling their email address or not realizing that if they use Paypal it goes to the email address associated with that account. Either way, put in a ticket and they will resolve your issue.



    Got my ebook today and finished reading, want to start but as a life time non smoker, more than a little nervous about taking in nicotine for first time.Any one else apprehensive?


    Richard Schmitt

    I said “I” if you'll go back and re read my post. The reasoning behind my statement is because there was a Tubecasts regarding taking a ripe banana PWO while on CNS (not DB ) while using SW. Again unless directed otherwise. Also there has been other information and recommendations for those who train in the mornings. You are missing quite a bit because of the many forms of other informational recommendations that has been released. You backload the night prior and that evening again while doing DB. The shake doesn't change but excludes carbs. You'll eat more ULC meals during day, then you'll eat the carbs that evening to add mass and fuel the next day.



    I said "I" if you'll go back and re read my post. The reasoning behind my statement is because there was a Tubecasts regarding taking a ripe banana PWO while on CNS (not DB ) while using SW. Again unless directed otherwise. Also there has been other information and recommendations for those who train in the mornings. You are missing quite a bit because of the many forms of other informational recommendations that has been released. You backload the night prior and that evening again while doing DB. The shake doesn't change but excludes carbs. You'll eat more ULC meals during day, then you'll eat the carbs that evening to add mass and fuel the next day.

    Hey Tex, thanks for your response. I guess I'm just a little confused because Kiefer makes it clear that they are to be included.  "By including a small amount of carbs after early-morning-fasted training, we double the anabolic response of a regular, pre-fed training session2. Immediately after the morning training, therefore, things remain exactly as if training at the ideal time including the carbs"I am pretty new to the forums so it is probable I've missed comments/recommendations since CBL came out. If you could point me in the direction of any recommendations made since I'd really appreciate it.Breen



    Got my ebook today and finished reading, want to start but as a life time non smoker, more than a little nervous about taking in nicotine for first time.Any one else apprehensive?

    Nothing to worry about, the doses in gum are nothing close to what a moderate to heavy smoker takes in on a daily basis (and further to that, for years on end). I started out with 2mg/day over the last week or so and did my first 4mg dose today. No jitters, sweats, cravings or anything like that.


    Richard Schmitt

    Most folks who train mornings tend to avoid carbs because 1) not entirely needed to stimulate growth 2) fat loss. (I get fat loss is not your goal) I do know and understand the quote from the book, now I am not going against Kiefer and his material. I clearly point out unless directed otherwise, thus the book is directing you otherwise. I personally wouldn't do carbs like that in the mornings. If progress is going well with your 30-40g PWO then continue to do so and continue to please your progress.



    Thanks mate, you've been really helpful. I will definitely omit the carbs when I transition to a SA approach and try to start leaning out again.


    Peter Hunt

    I also would assume the SA 2mg morning/4mg pre-training protocol is for when we aren't backloading afterward, similar to how the Carb Nite protocol works. On DB we are having carbs every evening, so we don't want to have anything close to the backload, and when backloading (on DB or SA) we should follow the generic “evening training protocol”.



    Very interesting read Kiefer. May have to read a couple of times before jumping in. I'd really like to know what was in chapter 7, can anyone help me out?


    Tracy Jarchow

    Very interesting read Kiefer. May have to read a couple of times before jumping in. I'd really like to know what was in chapter 7, can anyone help me out?

    I agree. My guess is it has something to do with the question on page 58.How does nicotine interact with the other supplements you recommend for your programs?I covered what happens with caffeine in the protocols chapter. Other than that, I don’t see any reason why you’d have to change your supplement regimen in any way to accommodate nicotine.With that said, there are definitely some interesting dynamics between nicotine and creatine that could take place on the cellular level. Since nicotine has such a profound effect on metabolism, you theoretically may need more creatine than normal, or you may need to start taking creatine if you don’t already use it.



    The timing of taking the gum prior to consuming carbs on either strength acc. or density bulking seems to be causing some confusion and I for one am still not fully understanding why you can take the gum 2 hours pre workout when on SA but not when DB? Carbs are still to be taken post workout in SA as with DB, so I don't see the difference? Even though with DB fat loss is not a priority, you wouldn't turn down the chance to (I.e by taking it pre wo), so why the difference in the protocol?Thanks as always for the advice here people and forgive me if I am missing something blatently obvious!?


    Peter Hunt

    None of us know for certain other than Kiefer himself but my assumption is that the SA protocol is to be used when not taking carbs PWO, otherwise follow the evening training protocol – which is the same as the DB one (when the idea is to have carbs every day in the evening, workout or otherwise).



    I've bought the ebook and found it interesting however the only point of confusion I have is where it states the quote below but with no explanation. Does anyone have an idea as to why you can have a 4mg piece pre workout when on strength accumulation but not when on density bulking? ThanksDENSITY BULKING PROTOCOL: Take 4 mg upon waking, then train in the evening. Do not take nicotine before or after training. STRENGTH ACCUMULATION PROTOCOL: 2 mg upon waking, 4 mg roughly 2 hours before your evening workout.

    I was wondering the same thing because if you train in the morning then supposedly it states you cant do density bulking do to the fact you need to take it in the morning. Is this correct or is there an exception for morning trainers?



    I also grabbed a copy - very interesting read. The only question I have though is this:Kiefer explicitly recommends ingesting nicotine in the absence of carbs. However, I train fasted in the AM doing CBL DB and he recommends 2mg immediately post workout.  I'm wondering if this means I should remove the carbs in my PWO shake. In the FAQ's he mentioned supplementing nicotine should not affect any of his other supplement recommendationsWhat do you guys think?

    Tex's comment answers this. It's for fat loss. CBL-DB isn't.j40's post quotes the article as saying on DB you don't take it before or after training.

    Ok. cool.. Now I get it. so DB is out of the question in the morning.


    Richard Schmitt

    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

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Nicotine Declassified

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