Nicotine Declassified

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    Tyler Stephens

    I recently bought Nicotine Declassified and I got the email, but when I click on “Click here to access your digital product” it just goes to the thank you page?I can't get access to the ebook.  What should I do?


    Richard Schmitt

    Did you right click and save as?


    Tyler Stephens

    Yea, it still goes to that same page where it says check your email to receive your copy.



    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

    Good point.



    I would hazard a guess that the difference between the DB and SA Nicotine protocol is due to nicotine's potent appetite suppressing effects.The purpose of SA is to drop bodyfat/recomp, which will benefit from eating less. DB on the other hand, is meant for, well, bulking, which becomes slightly more difficult when you don't feel like eating.



    I'm considering getting this but not sure if it's for me.Is it more for folks who are already pretty fit and just trying to get past a plateau or losing that last couple percent of body fat?I've been away from here (and working on my weight) for about a year -- ever since I pulled my hammys and hurt my inner elbow.So, I'm just starting again. I've lost an initial 14 pounds and really need to lose another 40 to 50 (though I'd actually be ecstatic at losing 30 more).I'm not currently doing CBL or CN. I'm sort of doing IF with low to moderate carbs, high protein. I'm also slowly reintroducing resistance training.Would nicotine accelerate my fat loss at this stage? Or, would it be better suited for after I've made more progress?



    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

    Read the book. You can take nicotine on DB and there is a way to do it which is different to SA.



    I've bought the ebook and found it interesting however the only point of confusion I have is where it states the quote below but with no explanation. Does anyone have an idea as to why you can have a 4mg piece pre workout when on strength accumulation but not when on density bulking? ThanksDENSITY BULKING PROTOCOL: Take 4 mg upon waking, then train in the evening. Do not take nicotine before or after training. STRENGTH ACCUMULATION PROTOCOL: 2 mg upon waking, 4 mg roughly 2 hours before your evening workout.

    It probably because you are eating more carbs and every day. Gives you a larger amount of time before you eat carbs so that you don't mess your body up and just get fat.


    Richard Schmitt

    Excuse me?



    Do you guys think it´s worth buying meaning is there any additional information to the free protocol available?



    And how much fat loss improvement does it provide? Who's been doing it and found their fat loss accelerating?


    Richard Schmitt

    Buying the book is a good idea and trying it out at least is a good idea.



    So anyone with the desire to help me out and give me the info from chapter 7? I really want to know what the “ultimate fat burning stack” is. Send a PM if you can't post. Thanks in advance. 



    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

    Read the book. You can take nicotine on DB and there is a way to do it which is different to SA.

    But you just can't train in the morning due to the restriction of nicotine before or after training while on DB but still needing to take it in the morning on DB protocol. So if on DB you absolutely must train at night. I assume its because the possibly of having too many carbs at night then taking it in the morning and risking the diabetes.



    Anyone who lives in the UK and wants to save money when purchasing Nicotine declassified should make sure they pay in US dollars. If you don't you will automatically be asked to pay £23. I paid £17.81 total.

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Nicotine Declassified

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