Nicotine Declassified

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  • #199792

    Richard Schmitt

    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

    Read the book. You can take nicotine on DB and there is a way to do it which is different to SA.

    But you just can't train in the morning due to the restriction of nicotine before or after training while on DB but still needing to take it in the morning on DB protocol. So if on DB you absolutely must train at night. I assume its because the possibly of having too many carbs at night then taking it in the morning and risking the diabetes.

    I'm not a doctor or anything, but you can take in "too many" carbs while on SA and take the nicotine gum that next morning. Would you assume this causes diabetes? He states how taking the gum with carbs at the same time would cause this unwanted affect. You can train in the morning while on DB, the statement I made is whether or not you should be taking nicotine while on DB. So you need to figure out your goal. Fat Loss/Recomposition or Muscle Mass Gain? SA or DB? Nicotine or save it/No Nicotine? See my point?


    Richard Schmitt

    So anyone with the desire to help me out and give me the info from chapter 7? I really want to know what the "ultimate fat burning stack" is. Send a PM if you can't post. Thanks in advance.

    If it was taken out then there was a purpose for it, legal and attourney reasons.



    Not necessary out of the question but wouldn't be a need to take nicotine if you're on DB.

    Read the book. You can take nicotine on DB and there is a way to do it which is different to SA.

    But you just can't train in the morning due to the restriction of nicotine before or after training while on DB but still needing to take it in the morning on DB protocol. So if on DB you absolutely must train at night. I assume its because the possibly of having too many carbs at night then taking it in the morning and risking the diabetes.

    I'm not a doctor or anything, but you can take in "too many" carbs while on SA and take the nicotine gum that next morning. Would you assume this causes diabetes? He states how taking the gum with carbs at the same time would cause this unwanted affect. You can train in the morning while on DB, the statement I made is whether or not you should be taking nicotine while on DB. So you need to figure out your goal. Fat Loss/Recomposition or Muscle Mass Gain? SA or DB? Nicotine or save it/No Nicotine? See my point?

    Got it.


    Peter Hunt

    I would think it's also down to everyone to experiment and find out what works best for them. For instance leave nicotine the day after a backload till 3pm (if not backloading that day as well) if you're worried you overdid it with carbs the night before, or reduce consumption to 2mg in the morning and 2mg in the afternoon.


    Richard Schmitt

    That's a good choice to do and imply



    So anyone with the desire to help me out and give me the info from chapter 7? I really want to know what the "ultimate fat burning stack" is. Send a PM if you can't post. Thanks in advance.

    If it was taken out then there was a purpose for it, legal and attourney reasons.

    I know that. I just wanted to get ALL the info before I started with it. I hate starting something like this without all the info.


    Richard Schmitt

    You have all the information already in the report?



    You have all the information already in the report?

    All information except chapter 7



    Which you don't need. The author has the right to remove chapters, If you wanted to know what was in that chapter you should have bought the print copy. You have all the information you need to start ND, he just took out the “extra.”



    I definitely understand Kiefer having the right to take out anything he wants. Maybe if it wasn't labeled “ultimate” I wouldn't be so intrigued by it. I just hate being told I can't see something, when it's right there in front of me. Ill get over it eventually.


    Richard Schmitt

    Temper tantrum?



    Temper tantrum?

    Haha. Pretty much. Felt like a kid being told I can't do something.



    So far carb ingestion has focused post workout but what are your thoughts on the carbs in vegetables eaten during the ULC part of the day? If nicotine clearance is approximately 2 hours, does this mean it would be ideal to leave that window of time between when you stop chewing the gum and first eat any vegetables, or is the quantity of carbs in the veggies not worth worrying about?



    So far carb ingestion has focused post workout but what are your thoughts on the carbs in vegetables eaten during the ULC part of the day? If nicotine clearance is approximately 2 hours, does this mean it would be ideal to leave that window of time between when you stop chewing the gum and first eat any vegetables, or is the quantity of carbs in the veggies not worth worrying about?

    Vegetables are generally quite starchy/fibrous and digestion is a lot slower than the high GI carbs you would be backloading. Given you're trying to keep carbs below 30g in the ULC portion of your day I wouldn't worry about them personally.


    Richard Schmitt

    You're worried about the High-GI carbs causing the issues, not the veggies. Though TO BE SAFE, I personally wouldn't eat anything near the time of taking the gum nor 2-3 hours before training.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 172 total)

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Nicotine Declassified

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