Nicotine Declassified

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    i just got the ebook, and I am looking forward to using it with CBL.  There is a protocol for morning workouts and one for evening workouts, but my training schedule is such that I train at 2pm.  I am thinking 2mg before my first client at 5:30 am, and then 4mg around 12pm.  I did not read anything that would counter-indicate this, but I want to maximize the fat loss and muscle building benefits of the nicotine.  Suggestions?



    i just got the ebook, and I am looking forward to using it with CBL.  There is a protocol for morning workouts and one for evening workouts, but my training schedule is such that I train at 2pm.  I am thinking 2mg before my first client at 5:30 am, and then 4mg around 12pm.  I did not read anything that would counter-indicate this, but I want to maximize the fat loss and muscle building benefits of the nicotine.  Suggestions?

    Sounds like you are on SA? What you propose here is right in line with Kiefer's suggestions so it sounds good to me.



    So if a person is on CBL, is it ok to chew a piece of 4mg in the morning and one 6 hours later if they're not BL that night?


    Richard Schmitt

    Book doesn't mention how to backload with nicotine the next day. It mentions how much and when to take it on that given day. Backloading the evening prior shouldn't matter with CBL. Different with CNS.



    Breenhouse, I am on SA.  Also, in previous articles, Kiefer mentioned just using nicotine days.  Unless I missed something, which is very possible, the book just mentions cycling off for 2 weeks after on for 4.  Did I miss something?


    Richard Schmitt

    Not really no but the report goes more in detail about usage.



    Breenhouse, I am on SA.  Also, in previous articles, Kiefer mentioned just using nicotine days.  Unless I missed something, which is very possible, the book just mentions cycling off for 2 weeks after on for 4.  Did I miss something?

    When you say 'just using nicotine days', what do you mean by that?



    Breenhouse, I am on SA.  Also, in previous articles, Kiefer mentioned just using nicotine days.  Unless I missed something, which is very possible, the book just mentions cycling off for 2 weeks after on for 4.  Did I miss something?

    When you say 'just using nicotine days', what do you mean by that?

    Sorry, typo.  I meant using nicotine on training days.  Big Tex, you mention that the report, which I read, mentions more than cycling.  Can you tell me where?



    Can't find any reference  in book to non training days? (ULC day as well) on CBL SA.*Edited


    Can't find any reference  in book to non training days? (ULC day as well) on CBL SA.*Edited

    It would be the same as if you trained.



    Can't find any reference  in book to non training days? (ULC day as well) on CBL SA.*Edited

    You take nicotine every day in the amounts and times that the book says when running SA or DB.


    Richard Schmitt

    ^^ Exactly*Edited means that the free dosing information you put out there



    ^^ Exactly*Edited means that the free dosing information you put out there

    Unsure why this post was edited?


    ^^ Exactly*Edited means that the free dosing information you put out there

    Unsure why this post was edited?

    I didn't see your original post, but any info pertaining to the dosing protocol's listed in the book will be edited out so that it can't be freely passed around to people not paying for the information.


    Richard Schmitt

    I explained why. But yes freely given information will be edited out. Clearly for pure respect to the author.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 172 total)

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Nicotine Declassified

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