Night Sweats….please help!

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    Has anyone had any issues with waking up in the middle of the night with night sweats?  It has happened to me but I figured I was getting rid of a virus, then two of my friends who are CBL said that it has been an issue as well.  If you anyone has had an issue with this, have you found a way to stop it?  Last question:  Is it because of the hormonal interaction burning up those carbs over night causing a rapid increase in body temp?


    Lasse Elsbak

    This is covered in other threads on the forum, and its in the book as well I think. Yes, the heat is from burning off excess carbs. 🙂



    Any idea how to decrease it a bit while maintaining the positive effects of CBL?  I mean I literally wake up in the middle of the night sweating so much I have to dry off with a towel.


    Lasse Elsbak

    You could try decreasing the amount of carbs you eat, or sleep with thinner covers 😛


    Damon Amato

    If my bedroom is above 64 degrees I'd sweat my balls off anyway.  I am in boxers and no shirt while my wife commonly wears a hoodie and sweatpants to bed.



    If my bedroom is above 64 degrees I'd sweat my balls off anyway.  I am in boxers and no shirt while my wife commonly wears a hoodie and sweatpants to bed.

    Quoted for truth. Except 60 degrees in my house, and its my wife, the chihuahua, and the female pit bull balled up together under the covers, huddling together for warmth.



    Embrace the night sweats! Haha! I am doing CNS and I only get night sweats after Carb Nite. It is more discomforting than anything.


    Brandon D Christ

    I do get the night sweats when I'm sleeping, but immediately after I start pigging out on carbs, I actually get cold and my mind gets foggy and the only thing I can do in crawl into bed and watch a mindless movie.


    Richard Schmitt

    I do get the night sweats when I'm sleeping, but immediately after I start pigging out on carbs, I actually get cold and my mind gets foggy and the only thing I can do in crawl into bed and watch a mindless movie.

    Exactly what I do. esepcially last night. I had less than 200g of Carbs, laid in my rack, put on the rest of the movie I was watching the night prior and fell asleep. Followed by my blankets flying off, warming up, crazy dreams, and frequent trips to the head (restroom)



    I have had them pretty bad, the more carbs the worst it was but I am slowly adapting to it being able to increase the carbs a little more each time. At 200 grams I was sweating like a beast the first few times waking about an hour into sleep, but now I am at about 300 ish with the same results. I think it would depend more on how many non training days you do, on DB it would probably not be as bad as you are carbing up more often.

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Night Sweats….please help!

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