No Loss Inches or Weight

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    Just want to add that exercise doesn't make you lose weight. That's been proven time and time again.



    Average calories burned in weight training is 50-80.



    Hey, I exercise myself. Of course I think it's great to exercise IF you're getting enough food AND enough rest and relaxation.

    +1There are a lot of variables, I was just throwing one out there. Good job on your results by the way. Keep up the good work.



    Average calories burned in weight training is 50-80.


    "That Mayo Clinic offers calorie expenditure estimates for weight training. A 30-minute weight training session burns about 109 calories if you weight 160 lbs. This weight training session burns about 137 calories if you weigh 200 lbs. and 164 calories if you weigh 240"



    Haha. Okay, I'm 120 lbs, so I'm not even burning half a Kitkat's worth


    Damon Amato

    Sores: pasta is not a good choice for carb nite. Try something higher on the insulin index so you get a good insulin spike so that it bottoms out before up regulating the glycolytic cycle.


    Craig jones

    I am on my 21st day of CNS. I have seen no change. No inches to speak of have been lost.Typically I have no carbs. If any, a cup or so of broccoli for the day. I do not exercise.I typically have 3 eggs with butter for brkfst, a hamburger patty with mayo with lunch.And steak or fish for dinner again with butter. I take a one a day vitamin, fish oil, and D.Only on one 5 day turnaround I drank several splenda sweetened Diet Rite's whichI found out have the ace potassium in them. I stopped pronto.On Carb nite I have pasta and donuts, maybe some apple pie. I do this for 5-6 hours.What am I missing?

    Yeah them eggs being eaten on there own aren't doing you any good. Eggs will spike insulin so eat them with bacon or the likes. Definitely try eating a little more. If your calories are too low, as the book says the hormone leptin is going to give you a hard time releasing the fat among other things.



    Wish I fully understood how all these hormones work etc. anyone know of a good book on the topic?



    Carb Back loading 🙂 and just Google any hormone, just make sure you find a reputable source. I'm sure you could find some decent studies and whatnot on pubmed.

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No Loss Inches or Weight

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