No Loss Inches or Weight

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    I am on my 21st day of CNS. I have seen no change. No inches to speak of have been lost.Typically I have no carbs. If any, a cup or so of broccoli for the day. I do not exercise.I typically have 3 eggs with butter for brkfst, a hamburger patty with mayo with lunch.And steak or fish for dinner again with butter. I take a one a day vitamin, fish oil, and D.Only on one 5 day turnaround I drank several splenda sweetened Diet Rite's whichI found out have the ace potassium in them. I stopped pronto.On Carb nite I have pasta and donuts, maybe some apple pie. I do this for 5-6 hours.What am I missing?



    Have you ever exercised? What's your stress level?How's your sleep?Anything else strange or different lately?



    Have you ever exercised? What's your stress level?How's your sleep?Anything else strange or different lately?

    +1 on these but there are a lot of things that could effect it. we are missing something huge. What are your stats? (age, sex, height, wieght, bf) How much are you eating a day?



    Maybe eating those eggs every morning is pulling you out of ketosis. Why are you even eating breakfast?


    I do not exercise. What am I missing?

    I think you would see results if you did some sort of exercise. You may not be on a calorie deficit at this point.



    I do not exercise. What am I missing?

    I think you would see results if you did some sort of exercise. You may not be on a calorie deficit at this point.

    You do not need to exercise on this diet! and you DEFIANTLY do not need to be in a caloric deficit.



    Tell me about it. I ate 3,000 kcal for LUNCH today. I'm 5'3″ female


    I do not exercise. What am I missing?

    I think you would see results if you did some sort of exercise. You may not be on a calorie deficit at this point.

    You do not need to exercise on this diet! and you DEFIANTLY do not need to be in a caloric deficit.

    Ok, I get it. A calorie is not a calorie. It seems people on here are looking for miracles, and sometimes that is what has been promised. I understand exercise is not needed, but you don't think that would help?


    Tell me about it. I ate 3,000 kcal for LUNCH today. I'm 5'3" female

    You also go to the gym.



    Umm, pasta on a CN…That's certainly not helping.



    Tell me about it. I ate 3,000 kcal for LUNCH today. I'm 5'3" female

    You also go to the gym.

    Surely I can't be burning more than about 300 kcal an hour at the gym?


    Tell me about it. I ate 3,000 kcal for LUNCH today. I'm 5'3" female

    You also go to the gym.

    Surely I can't be burning more than about 300 kcal an hour at the gym?

    Exercising certainly does more than just burn calories no? I mean, are we advocating not exercising now? Again, I get it, a calorie is not a calorie, but I don't think HIIT or lifting weights is going to hurt th OP's cause.



    Average calories burned in weight training is 50-80. No I dont think TAXING the central nervous system into thinking it needs to hold on to every bit of calories that comes into it would be beneficial. I also dont think this is a miracle, I think it has been proven that it is science. This person is under eating every day. Thats why they havent lost weight.


    Average calories burned in weight training is 50-80. No I dont think TAXING the central nervous system into thinking it needs to hold on to every bit of calories that comes into it would be beneficial. I also dont think this is a miracle, I think it has been proven that it is science. This person is under eating every day. Thats why they havent lost weight.

    Shockwave would not help this person? Also, without getting into specifics (portions, etc.), how do you know this person's caloric needs and calories taken in on a daily basis? Listen, I am going to stop trolling now, but I still don't see why we have poeple adamantly telling this person not to exercise.



    Hey, I exercise myself. Of course I think it's great to exercise IF you're getting enough food AND enough rest and relaxation.

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No Loss Inches or Weight

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