No more spikes?

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    I've been following CBL for about 2 1/2 months now.. and I love it!But I re did my prep phase recently.. And now I no longer get the insulin spikes I once did. I'm eating alot of food, just like before.. but no spikes.The first time around I would eat a bowl of ice cream, or drink a gatorade and feel the need to sleep for hours on end. Now i feel nothing.Has anyone else run into this, or advice on if this is normal?


    Richard Schmitt

    I've been following CBL for about 2 1/2 months now.. and I love it!But I re did my prep phase recently.. And now I no longer get the insulin spikes I once did. I'm eating alot of food, just like before.. but no spikes.The first time around I would eat a bowl of ice cream, or drink a gatorade and feel the need to sleep for hours on end. Now i feel nothing.Has anyone else run into this, or advice on if this is normal?

    As in your heart doesn't beat real fast, or get warmed up? It could be your body adapted to eating this way. How is your ULC meals? and CBL meals? I don't get that way either for my CN and I eat carbs once a week! Eh s**t happens I guess. so yes it is normal. by the way nothing? Like no energy nothing? Or do you get a good nights rest?



    i have noticed the same thing, happened to me after about one and a half or two months of CBL…i did the prep phase again (10 days) and started back on CBL and it was just like on day 1! heating up, heart rate up like crazy, sweating etc.


    Brandon D Christ

    How do you know you aren't getting the insulin spikes you used to?  Did you measure your blood sugar?  The hot and sweaty feelings aren't indicative of how big of an insulin spike you are getting.



    Yeah…kinda curious as to how you'd “feel” an insulin spike  ???



    Alright guys… ill try to explain this a little better!for the first prep phase abd first month of CBL i could feel a spike at the end of the day during my back loading.. I would eat ice cream, ehite bread, gator aid, potatos, ect. i would feel a slight rush of energy then a crash (supee tired, no energy, needing sleep) since my 2nd prep phase i no longer have noticeable spikes? so i eat whatever for backloading and i feel nothing.. no longer wake up with that tight skin feeling?



    I have the same feeling you're talking about sometimes, but it's typically because I don't eat optimal foods for my backloads…I think?






    How do you know you aren't getting the insulin spikes you used to?  Did you measure your blood sugar?  The hot and sweaty feelings aren't indicative of how big of an insulin spike you are getting.

    ^ This is true.  I bought a blood sugar monitor to run some personal experiments to see what foods responed the best for me.  Day three of monitoring.  I must say last night was the highest spike I've had, and I could feel it, but it wasn't just the blood sugar.  I can get the same feeling (ie. high blood pressure and veins poppinp) from a glass of wine after being low carbohydrate all day. Could have many different factors, including level of niacin in the food (ie. flushing, increase in blood pressure, etc.), or just a poor response to chosen carbohydrates.  I don't get near the blood sugar response out of some of the foods I thought would cause my insulin to skyrocket.


    Brandon D Christ

    How do you know you aren't getting the insulin spikes you used to?  Did you measure your blood sugar?  The hot and sweaty feelings aren't indicative of how big of an insulin spike you are getting.

    ^ This is true.  I bought a blood sugar monitor to run some personal experiments to see what foods responed the best for me.  Day three of monitoring.  I must say last night was the highest spike I've had, and I could feel it, but it wasn't just the blood sugar.  I can get the same feeling (ie. high blood pressure and veins poppinp) from a glass of wine after being low carbohydrate all day. Could have many different factors, including level of niacin in the food (ie. flushing, increase in blood pressure, etc.), or just a poor response to chosen carbohydrates.  I don't get near the blood sugar response out of some of the foods I thought would cause my insulin to skyrocket.

    I have always questioned "ratings" of foods that spike insulin.  Personally for a backload I find it best to just avoid whole grains and fruit.  Those are the only two carbs that will not work.



    Just wanted to share that last night I started sweating after downing 10 of the 12 krispy kremes I had sitting in my lap. Maybe try that and see if you can feel the spike  🙂

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