Not being able to lose fat so I can see my ABS!

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    samuel r walker

      The thing is, everyone really is different. The only thing that can be said for certain is what might work for me may not for you.  I do better even at my higher bf% with more frequent carb refeeds than once every 7 days.  I experimented with cns for a while I did lose some bodyfat, but after a few weeks I held rediculous amounts of water ulc and felt sort of sick to my stomach by the 4th morning. This was while doing the detox diet during the ulc part as closely as my budget allowed (I bought regular beef and eggs).   Ate some carbs and it went away. I think for me the emotional attachment is a serious helper and hamper with my progress.  Hormones are a big factor on this diet especially and stress not being able to eat what you want or even what you're used to factored in with regular stresses of everyday life can affect some people I think.  Carbs really are like a drug and they have addictive qualities in at least some people.  How this relates to you is maybe you're too stressed to let your body to give up those fat stores.  Maybe add another carb nite or drop the hiit for a while. You're already lifting and depleting glycogen stores via that method.  The Hiit sessions may be too much. Or maybe the lifting is too much.  Cortisol only helps in spurts. Being elevated all the time for a long time does no one any favors.    I'm back on cbl  strength accumulation and focusing solely on building muscle. I'm not even afraid to, if I feel like it maybe even have a clean carb at night on off days even like a density bulker, and ya know, so far not thinking about losing fat I've made the most progress so far I've ever had being a little less strict about it. lol   Which is something Keifer has talked about in his biojacked podcasts where the clients who don't worry so much just seem to do better even if they don't follow the protocol completely "perfect".  This protocol whether it be cbl or cns is very forgiving for a diet so experiment and don't be afraid to lose some progress to learn more about your body and you will eventually find what works the best for you. Raise your fat to protein ratio, or lower your fat to protein ratio, or cut dairy or cut gluten or take a break from lifting or hiit or both. Try upping your total caloric intake during the ulc portions, or not going quite so long fasting before eating.  Things like this aren't sprints, they're marathons.  😉  There's even more tweaks you can try to get that extra bit of belly fat off, including maybe just gaining some more mass while holding the same bf % as best you can so you have less fat to lose before the deffinition sticks through, but that list should keep you busy at least a few weeks lolBest of luck  🙂 Some good input here.. My greatest losses in weight have come from 2 consecutive refreeds followed by a 10 day ulc, solely to break the plateau.. my body is extremely adaptive. Take away is make simple changes first (adjust fat/protein sources), and if that doesnt help, dont be afraid to go a bit outside of the norm to find what works for u as an individual. Most ppl are to quick to look for fast results when they simply just need to need to stick to the protocol for a long period of time. I wish I was 12% bf right now... >_>;

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Not being able to lose fat so I can see my ABS!

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