Not Losing any weight

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    Hello everyone,

    Not sure if this had been asked already but here goes:

    I followed the Atkins induction phase for 6 months last year and went from 284lbs to 244lbs and then it stalled for 4 months and sticked to it hoping that the plateau will go away, but nothing happened. Then a friend showed me an article about simplified version of the CNS so I did more research on the diet and found CNS. After reading the book thoroughly I decided to switch over to CNS at January. So ever since January 2016 I have been eating less than 30g of carbs (from cauliflower or broccoli) a day and my ULC meal per day consists 1 of 3 following meals: either a whole chicken/~450g steak plus 3 eggs/4 pieces of chicken thighs plus 3 eggs. Then on Carb nites I just go nuts with AllYouCanEat sushi, noodles, ice creams, donuts and some other junks (like chips and cookies) and often I am really really full at the end of the 8th hour. So my calories on ULC days are around 1600 to 1800 calories and during Carb nite I am estimating around like 4000cals. I am also following the SWP ripped version as well, but over the last 2 months I haven’t lost any weight so far. I am gaining more strength but it just doesn’t feel like I am shedding weight at all.

    Oh I am 5’11” 244lbs(always fluctuating between 240 and the 244 driving me insane) 26 years old.

    Not sure why is it not working? Is it that I am eating too much on ULC/Carb nite?

    Let me know if you need any more details

    Thanks for your input.


    Tony Sangimino

    I’d recommend tracking what you eat for a few days to get an idea of where your numbers are at, then slowly start bringing them down until you find a nice balance.


    jaspreet singh

    Hey, I am speaking from short personal experience.
    Don’t take carbnite as you free pass to binge. It is designed to spike insulin to reignite the hormones. Quantity and quality does matter on carbnite. Watch what you eat and count it as Tony said earlier.
    Switch carbnite to weekday rather than weekend (i used to do it on Sat and always go overboard but since i switching it to Wed, i stay in limits.

    People who are somewhat healthy and have good amount of muscle mass can tolerate lot more junk food, but people who are higher BF% and insulin resistant can not and have to watch their diet very carefully.



    This is Mochilover here just found my account info

    So recently I thought I may not be eating enough so I started to added some calories to it:

    4 slices of bacon CAL:460 CARBS: 4g FAT: 42g PROTEIN: 14g
    3 scrambled eggs(cooked with the bacon grease) CAL: 256 CARBS: 1g FAT: 17g PROTEIN: 22g

    ~500g of chicken thighs(avg weight of 4pieces with skin and no bones)
    CAL: 838 CARBS: 0g FAT: 62g PROTEIN: 75g
    3 scrambled eggs cooked with the leftover chicken grease
    CAL: 256 CARBS: 1g FAT: 17g PROTEIN 22g
    ~300g(never more)Broccoli cooked with leftover chicken grease
    CAL: 102 CARBS: 20g FAT: 1g PROTEIN: 8g


    Rib steak from Costco
    ~475g Rib steak (avg weight of all the slices I prepared)
    CALs 1187 CARBS:0g FAT: 85g PROTEIN: 93g
    3 scrambled eggs cooked with the leftover beef grease
    CAL: 256 CARBS: 1g FAT: 17g PROTEIN 22g
    ~300g(never more)Broccoli cooked with leftover beef grease
    CAL: 102 CARBS: 20g FAT: 1g PROTEIN: 8g

    Dinner: nothing

    So my total ULC days are either 1824 calories with 28g of net carbs, 140g of fat and 141g of proteins
    2252 calories with 28g of net carbs, 162g of fat and 159g of protein.

    During Carb nite:
    Generic – Squid Ball, 6 ball CAL:234 CARB:18 FAT:12 PROTEIN:12 SODIUM:900 FIBER:0
    Korean Wheat Noodle – Medium Round, 120 g CAL:402 CARB:84 FAT:2 PROTEIN:12 SODIUM:221 FIBER:0

    Korean Wheat Noodle – Medium Round, 120 g CAL:402 CARB:84 FAT:2 PROTEIN:12 SODIUM:221 FIBER:0

    Krispy Kreme – Chocolate Glazed Donut (64g) CAL:240 CARB:32 FAT:12 PROTEIN:3 SODIUM:80 FIBER:1
    Krispy Kreme – Glazed Doughnut, 2 doughnut CAL:380 CARB:42 FAT:22 PROTEIN:4 SODIUM:180 FIBER:2
    Lotte – Mochi Ice Cream – Vanilla, 9 ball CAL:468 CARB:76 FAT:16 PROTEIN:5 SODIUM:90 FIBER:0
    Totals CAL:2,126 CARB:336 FAT:66 PROTEIN:48 SODIUM:1,471 FIBER:3

    Plus I do SWP as well all the HIIT and 60min walk too. Does this look like I can lose fat and weight properly with this meal plan because before it was just the thighs, broccoli and eggs/steak, broccoli and eggs on ULC days and carb nite I just go nuts. I hope this new meal setup will help my cause. BTW my height is 5’11” 244LBS 26 male BMR 2286 not sure what my TDEE should be though.



    I do not know what I am doing wrong but I have been doing the CN for 2 months and I am bigger not the way I expected. I have started from 86 kg but today I am 92 kg. And I am afraid I have more fat. Do you have any idea what is my problem.
    I eat a lot green vegetables with olive oil, fat meat, eggs, butter, coconut oil, fat fishes. I really minimise my food list to make sure there are no carbs. I have 3 meals a day.
    Any idea?


    Makoto Tomizawa

    I do not know what I am doing wrong but I have been doing the CN for 2 months and I am bigger not the way I expected. I have started from 86 kg but today I am 92 kg. And I am afraid I have more fat. Do you have any idea what is my problem.
    I eat a lot green vegetables with olive oil, fat meat, eggs, butter, coconut oil, fat fishes. I really minimise my food list to make sure there are no carbs. I have 3 meals a day.
    Any idea?

    How much of those foods are you eating on a daily basis? Chances are, if you’re probably overeating, but no one can say for sure without knowing.

    Training Log:



    How much of those foods are you eating on a daily basis? Chances are, if you’re probably overeating, but no one can say for sure without knowing.

    I am sure I am not overeating.
    Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs + tablespoon of butter
    Lunch: meat (small portion) + raw vegetables (no potatos, no pasta etc)
    Dinner: smoked fish i.e. salamon

    My weight is still 92 kg but my waist has changed from 104 cm to 108 cm for last 2 weeks.

    I am affraid CB is not for everyone. As I am overweight I think that carbnite is damaging all results I can achive from high fat diet only.
    I will stay with fat and proteines diet – no carbnit – for next 30 days.
    More than 2 monts ago I was 86 kg and after I added carbnite on Saturdays everthing went not well.

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Not Losing any weight

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