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    Hello,I'm a 42 yr old 195Lbs at about 25%BF masters level competitive track cyclist and I've been powerlifting for about 6 months.  I've done Carb Back Loading for a while now and I've made some great strides, but I'm looking for some online coaching to help me reach my goal of 170Lbs and 7%BF by October 13' (This coinsides with going to Masters Track Nationals) ... I'm basicly powerlifting 1 day/wk and doing track specific stuff about 5 days/wk.  Is there any CNS/CBL coaches willing to help or recomend a nutrionaist/coach? Thank you,clemente


    Brandon D Christ

    Hello,I'm a 42 yr old 195Lbs at about 25%BF masters level competitive track cyclist and I've been powerlifting for about 6 months.  I've done Carb Back Loading for a while now and I've made some great strides, but I'm looking for some online coaching to help me reach my goal of 170Lbs and 7%BF by October 13' (This coinsides with going to Masters Track Nationals) ... I'm basicly powerlifting 1 day/wk and doing track specific stuff about 5 days/wk.  Is there any CNS/CBL coaches willing to help or recomend a nutrionaist/coach? Thank you,clemente

    I would do Carb Nite.  Do it either after or the night before your powerlifting workout.  I am not really familiar with track cycling, but it probably is not appropriate for Carb Backloading.


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    vote #2, switch to carbnite



    Just as to clarify … I'm a cycling track sprinter which is much like a 100m running track sprinter not a whole lot of endurance, but a lot of power hence the powerlifting workouts.  BUT ok I'llTry switching to carbnite,  but would still like to know of anyone willing to coach me on my diet



    Hi Clemente, I've sent you a private message 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    Just as to clarify ... I'm a cycling track sprinter which is much like a 100m running track sprinter not a whole lot of endurance, but a lot of power hence the powerlifting workouts.  BUT ok I'llTry switching to carbnite,  but would still like to know of anyone willing to coach me on my diet

    You might be able to Carb Backload if this is the case, but you will will have to greatly reduce the amount of carbs you normally consume and it would probably be best if you skipped the really junky carbs.  The thing is with sprint type exercises is they do translocate GLUT4, but not as much as weight training.  A backload with 1 g of carbs per pound of desired bodyweight would be a good place to start. 



    thank you … ill try the 1g of carbs per lb of desired body weight (170lbs) in back loads … If I wqas just to do a Carbnite for my lifting 1/week session would i still do 170g? …  I'll be seeting up a log


    Brandon D Christ

    thank you ... ill try the 1g of carbs per lb of desired body weight (170lbs) in back loads ... If I wqas just to do a Carbnite for my lifting 1/week session would i still do 170g? ...  I'll be seeting up a log

    No, Carb Nite you will want to eat as much as possible in the 6 hour window.  You will probably end up consuming 500 - 1,000 g of carbs during a Carb Nite.  Maybe even more.



    ok … i think i got it … thank you

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