Off to college soon Can I continue with CNS and CBL?

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    Nicholas Alonzo

    How will living on campus at a university affect my ability to CBL or CNS and count calories?  I plan on moving to a university this coming fall as a college freshman and they offer the typical 19 meals per week or 13 meals per week or meal blocks you can use any time. What foods do they typically serve at university cafeterias? Will I be able to eat ULC or count calories?  Should I try to purchase my own food at a local grocery store and get a mini fridge in my dorm?



    This is what I do. Now, I live off campus but it's so close to the university that I eat on campus every meal with exception to breakfast. Most universities have several options for each meal time, now I go to a smaller D2 school so your campus may have more or less. Anyway, breakfast they always have eggs, sausage, bacon and an omelette bar. Of course they have your carb laden foods as well.Lunch, is hit or miss at our school. What I do is I always carry a can of tuna in olive oil in my bag. That way if there is no meat source I just have that with a huge salad off the salad bar. I also always carry a large Tupperware container in my bag. That way if there is say some quality protein/low carb meats I stock up on these and put them in my container. Dinner can also be hit or miss. So I still bring a can of tuna. Our school has a hibachi bar so I always have access to plain rice which is great for CBL. But if there is no meat at dinner I simply use the meat I took from lunch and have that for dinner. Or I eat my can of tuna with my carbs. Most schools do give you access to foods that are perfect for any diet. But there are times when there's not, so you just have to plan accordingly. Oh and just a heads up... You are not supposed to take food, haha so be sneaky!


    Brandon D Christ

    You can stick to CBL.  You'll just have to do weird things sometimes, like pick lunchmeat and cheese off of sandwiches.  You might need to get a job too to afford extra food on the side.

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Off to college soon Can I continue with CNS and CBL?

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