ok..um…so……..ok…..toilet issues!!!

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    haha no easy way to put this…im taking fibre supplement everyday and not a lots happening! i know its a side effect form low carb diets and im drinking a ton of water with the stir in fibre powder….any ideas for a daily addidition to my diet???



    What do you eat for fiber throughout the day? Taking the proper amount of fiber supplement each day? If I recall right, a person is "allowed" to eat a ton of fiberous veggies. Just gotta subtract the fiber from the total amount of carbs for that particular veggie, and dont go over 30.



    I'll give you the same advice I was given about this.Drop the fibre, take a magnesium supplement before bed and give you body time to adjust to not using fibre for digestion.



    A little capsicum also goes a long way. Try adding some paprika or chili to aid (read: ignite) your digestive tract.



    ok thanks guys 😀 yes im taking about 6 teaspoons of a fibre powder with water during each day which is the recommended dose……then im on about 10g carbs in veg form ( chinese leaf / cucumber/ onion / cabbage )…..i have started adding a fair bit of chilli to my meals but so far nothing haha…..im sure it will resolve itself with some magnesium supplements….need to get some potassium too as im getting calf cramps…off to the shops tomorrow 😀


    I had this issue slightly at first and since this past Tuesday I started taking a digestive enzyme supplement and that has worked well.



    there are stool softeners out there, they don't give the bloated feeling and it really aids. I always keep a bottle handy, you should be able to easily find some at the vitamin shoppe or some grocery store.



    I do some chia seeds in my PWO shake and/or some nuts as a snack (black walnuts) and sometimes a little hemp protein, which tastes like crap but is about equal fiber and protein and should not spike your insulin much if at all. Red meat tends to clog me up real quick, so I don't eat a ton of it. Some have the same issue with cheese, although I eat a moderate amount with no issues. I do a lot of chicken and salmon and other fish (sometimes with flaxseed as “breading” which ups the fat and fiber too). Just some ideas to try that seem to work ok for me in that respect.


    I do some chia seeds in my PWO shake and/or some nuts as a snack (black walnuts) and sometimes a little hemp protein, which tastes like crap but is about equal fiber and protein and should not spike your insulin much if at all. Red meat tends to clog me up real quick, so I don't eat a ton of it. Some have the same issue with cheese, although I eat a moderate amount with no issues. I do a lot of chicken and salmon and other fish (sometimes with flaxseed as "breading" which ups the fat and fiber too). Just some ideas to try that seem to work ok for me in that respect.

    Don't use chia seeds in a PWO shake.You will likely screw up the insulin release you'd normally get and want from the PWO shake.



    How much fat does it take to blunt the insulin response? I'm only getting a few grams with half a serving. No way I could put a whole serving in there and drink it.


    How much fat does it take to blunt the insulin response? I'm only getting a few grams with half a serving. No way I could put a whole serving in there and drink it.

    I'm more concerned about the fiber.



    Really? The fiber will blunt the response too? I think it's about 3g of fat and 6.5g of fiber in a half serving that I'm taking with about 30g of Whey isolate. I can always cut it out. I have when I work out really obscenely early already.


    Really? The fiber will blunt the response too? I think it's about 3g of fat and 6.5g of fiber in a half serving that I'm taking with about 30g of Whey isolate. I can always cut it out. I have when I work out really obscenely early already.

    Fiber will have more and an effect then fat.Just have straight whey, and leucine and creatine if you'd like.



    haha no easy way to put this...im taking fibre supplement everyday and not a lots happening! i know its a side effect form low carb diets and im drinking a ton of water with the stir in fibre powder....any ideas for a daily addidition to my diet???

    Personally I eat a ton of veggies (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach) and that does the trick for me. Eat enough cabbage and you'll never be backed up 😉



    Many people here take Natural Calm before bed, it draws water into the colon and gets things moving with an added advantage of helping you sleep..  I've tried it and it seems to work for me..

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ok..um…so……..ok…..toilet issues!!!

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