ON 2:1:1

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    What do you guys think of ON's 2:1:1 recovery shake as a PWO on CBL?http://www.vitacost.com/optimum-nutrition-2-1-1-recovery-colossal-chocolate



    not sure about the carbs coming from fructose and sucrose…I would try and avoid those pwo. stick to dextrose/maltodextrin/rilose etc



    +1 save your money and buy some whey isolate and dextrose. you don't need the extra sucrose or fructose. if you are going to eat the sucrose or fructose eat it when you backload


    What do you guys think of ON's 2:1:1 recovery shake as a PWO on CBL?http://www.vitacost.com/optimum-nutrition-2-1-1-recovery-colossal-chocolate

    Just take Whey Isolate.  Most wheys are 2:1:1 in BCAAs (in favor of Leucine).  If you want a little extra, grab some Leucine (take 5g) or BCAAs @ 2:1:1 (take 10g).Add your own carbs, like dextrose.Why pay more to buy a blend, when buying bulk raws is cheaper and more plentiful?http://www.nutraplanet.com  <-- I love this site!Cory



    Thanks allGG

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ON 2:1:1

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