On Testosterone and Real Men

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    Naomi Most

    Testosterone is usually relevant to SOMEBODY's interests around a bodybuilding website. So I thought you guys might enjoy reading an interview with the researcher who, a few months ago, released findings that becoming/being a father is correlated with lower levels of testosterone.On Testosterone and Real Men: an interview with Lee Gettlerhttp://blogs.plos.org/neuroanthropology/2011/12/14/on-testosterone-and-real-men-an-interview-with-lee-gettler/It's important to note the ways in which his research can be (and was) misinterpreted. Just remember that correlation != causation.


    geeze… this is something to think about…


    Joe Weidler

    Well, as the OP I decided to try the Test therapy and HGH. My doctor gave me Test Cyp 200mg/ml @ 1 ml per week along with HGH 6 iu's per week split into 3 doses as well as Winstrol 100mg/ml @ 1 ml per week. My workouts are going great but I am holding about 15 lbs of water in just three weeks. It makes carb backloading very difficult to guage. Any thoughts?


    Joe Weidler

    Sorry, wrong thread!



    HA HA HA, i'm 33 and have 4 kids, i must be doomed, HA HAH AHHA  😛


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh geez! I know how a house full of kids are, my Dad just turned 40, single, and he has four boys, me being the oldest! He should read this article haha



    HA HA HA, i'm 33 and have 4 kids, i must be doomed, HA HAH AHHA  😛

    my husband is 37 with 5 kids and he is the most testosterone-ie guy around!!! lol

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On Testosterone and Real Men

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