Opinions please on spring break.

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    Alright for college kids spring break is in like two weeks, me and a very large group of my brothers are going to panama. In your opinion what would be the best way to approach spring break and trying to not gain all that much weight? Try to stick ULC for the main parts of the day? Or just say screw it and have a good time, eat crap, drink and restart the prep phase when I get back? I know it's gonna be a huge weekly calorie overload but who knows maybe a week of resting and a calorie surplus could do the body some good. Some of my brothers did wanna find a gym but who really knows if we will make it to there.


    Richard Schmitt

    To be honest, fucking enjoy yourself. It's Spring Break! Yeah a week of doing whatever will most likely call for a Re-Prep when you get back but if anything stick to the basic very basic principles of CBL eat/drink carbs at night. Eat moderate fat-high protein during the day and whatever at night. You can do CNS up to Spring Break and then a full week of DB.



    Good call, carbs are gonna be an all day thing because in panama those crazy bastards literally start drinking when they wake up. I'm gonna finish up this week of CBL SA and then I guess do a full week of CNS and then just say fuck it haha. I would like to hear what people usually do when they go on vacation though'


    Richard Schmitt

    Last “trip” I went on I did CNS. Just ate meats the entire time. Then what ever I could manage on one evening. I have reasons why though.

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Opinions please on spring break.

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