Optimal (loss of body fat is goal) Time for HIIT & Post-HIIT Nutrition

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    I had read somewhere that if we were going to do HIIT, the optimal time was fasted in the mornings. Then I read Kiefer's article in this month's Flex and he appears to be recommending we do HIIT an hour before lifting. I am assuming, maybe incorrectly, lifting is occurring in the afternoon as has been recommended elsewhere. What is the optimal time to do HIIT if loss of body fat is the goal? Should it be done fasted? And if it is to be done fasted and in the afternoon, are we supposed to fast until then?Second piece of the puzzle. Optimally, what are we supposed to take after HIIT? Does it matter if we are CNS or CBL? Does it matter what time of the day we are doing HIIT (see first paragraph above)? I saw a recent post where Kiefer recommended Leucine, but the post was not as clear as I might have hoped.



    30 min after waking cortisol, a hormone that breaks down tissues, is at it's highest point for the rest of the day. I'm just guessing that this is a pretty good time to schedule your HIIT 🙂If you want to prevent catabolism (the breaking down of fat and muscle) after HIIT spike your insulin. My primary aim is fatloss, but I'm not willing to knowingly sacrifice muscle mass so I have a standard no carb post workout shake after HIIT.


    Richard Schmitt

    I had read somewhere that if we were going to do HIIT, the optimal time was fasted in the mornings. Then I read Kiefer's article in this month's Flex and he appears to be recommending we do HIIT an hour before lifting. I am assuming, maybe incorrectly, lifting is occurring in the afternoon as has been recommended elsewhere. What is the optimal time to do HIIT if loss of body fat is the goal? Should it be done fasted? And if it is to be done fasted and in the afternoon, are we supposed to fast until then?Second piece of the puzzle. Optimally, what are we supposed to take after HIIT? Does it matter if we are CNS or CBL? Does it matter what time of the day we are doing HIIT (see first paragraph above)? I saw a recent post where Kiefer recommended Leucine, but the post was not as clear as I might have hoped.

    I would assume as long as the ULC is consumed at least 5-6 hours prior will be considered fasted. Pretty sure you can do this in the fasted morning or early evening. This method is pretty much used for contest/stage.


    I do early morning HIIT, only b/c that is what I am used to as BB'er.  Old habits die hard, and the ones that work you don't want dying at all.  😉Before CBL / CNS, I used to follow Haney Rambod's nutritional and supplement advice, as well as his awesome FST-7 training protocol.  He was an avid morning, fasted HIIT cardio advocate.I will still be using FST-7 b/c of how fucking effective it is for mass gain, and how hard it pushes you.  I also still use his supplement timing and set-up, it is also highly effective (minus minor tweaks so it is ULC appropriate, of course).Cory



    30 min after waking cortisol, a hormone that breaks down tissues, is at it's highest point for the rest of the day. I'm just guessing that this is a pretty good time to schedule your HIIT 🙂If you want to prevent catabolism (the breaking down of fat and muscle) after HIIT spike your insulin. My primary aim is fatloss, but I'm not willing to knowingly sacrifice muscle mass so I have a standard no carb post workout shake after HIIT.

    I do not want to break down muscle, but I do want to break down fat. Suggestions? What does your no carb post workout shake consist of?


    I do not want to break down muscle, but I do want to break down fat. Suggestions? What does your no carb post workout shake consist of?

    If you follow the diet accurately, and you keep your fats high, you should be fine with maintaining your muscle.  I've been on CNS for almost 4 1/2 months now, and no issues with muscle loss -- in fact, I've GAINED muscle (which is odd b/c I am an advanced lifter).  This is especially so in my chest and back, and even my legs (my Quad sweep improved).I would not advise doing anything to spike your insulin during ULC.  Drink 16oz. of black coffee w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil pre-cardio, and you should be fine.  Alternatively, you could drink 16oz. black coffee pre-cardio, and then, about 30-60 minutes post-cardio, drink another 16oz. coffee w/ 1 tbsp coconut oil.The 12 hour fast is important, and the cardio is done in the AM, during the fasting period.Cory



    Hmm. I always spike insulin post workout with leucine & hydrolysed whey… Is that wrong?


    I do not want to break down muscle, but I do want to break down fat. Suggestions? What does your no carb post workout shake consist of?

    If you follow the diet accurately, and you keep your fats high, you should be fine with maintaining your muscle.  I've been on CNS for almost 4 1/2 months now, and no issues with muscle loss -- in fact, I've GAINED muscle (which is odd b/c I am an advanced lifter).  This is especially so in my chest and back, and even my legs (my Quad sweep improved).I would not advise doing anything to spike your insulin during ULC.  Drink 16oz. of black coffee w/ 1 tbsp. coconut oil pre-cardio, and you should be fine.  Alternatively, you could drink 16oz. black coffee pre-cardio, and then, about 30-60 minutes post-cardio, drink another 16oz. coffee w/ 1 tbsp coconut oil.The 12 hour fast is important, and the cardio is done in the AM, during the fasting period.Cory

    I'd tend to agree with Cory about not spiking insulin during ULC.There is benefits to having PWO nutrition such as leucine and whey after HIIT, but I think you need to look at the current goals to decide if it's worth it.Personally, I played with doing PWO nutrition afterwards, and I found the best for me was doing coffee with 1 tbsp MCT right after training, and again an hour later. This has held true for both HIIT and when I lift in the AM.


    Hmm. I always spike insulin post workout with leucine & hydrolysed whey... Is that wrong?

    After weight-training is fine, but I wouldn't recommend it after fasted, morning HIIT cardio (during both the 12-hour fast + ULC).That said, if it isn't stalling you, I'd say there clearly isn't a problem for you.  If you begin to stall, you might want to drop it.Cory



    Okay 🙂


    Eric Shaw

    But I thought in the book if doing CNS kiefer clearly says do not do any HIIT unless it is within 2-3 days post carb load. He says anything longer than that your body will start to break down muscle because there is no glycogen to be burned at a heart rate above 65%max?So are you guys talking about HIIT in the days immediately after the load>?


    But I thought in the book if doing CNS kiefer clearly says do not do any HIIT unless it is within 2-3 days post carb load. He says anything longer than that your body will start to break down muscle because there is no glycogen to be burned at a heart rate above 65%max?So are you guys talking about HIIT in the days immediately after the load>?

    Yes.  I do my HIIT, for 30-minutes per session, the 2 days directly after my CN.Cory



    Is it ok to do HIIT on Lifting days, about 3 times per week, during the fasting part of the day? I do not take post training nutrition after HIIT. I wait until I have my ULC meal (1st meal) a couple hours later. My HIIT consists of 20-30 second sprints with 10-15 seconds of rest done 12-16 times.Thanks for the help



    If you want to keep muscle breakdown to a minimum, post HIIT eat something or take a whey/leucine shake like Kiefer says here: http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=3382.msg36664#msg36664



    my gains stalled untill I added back a whey shake or humapro pulse after my fasted HIIT…  also it was effecting my lifting later in the day which should be the main focus.

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Optimal (loss of body fat is goal) Time for HIIT & Post-HIIT Nutrition

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