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    I have no say in the matter, but with the recent need for administrators due to spamming and trolling, I thought maybe some of us could vouch for those who we think are deserving of that privilege.  I think it's only fair to give credit where credit is due.I'm not sure if he's even interested, but I think if anyone around here should be a site administrator, it should be Big Tex.  The time and energy he invests in DH and in helping fellow members is amazing.  The guy seemingly goes around answering every question and replying to every post like Santa Claus distributing presents on Christmas Eve.  I should add that many of those questions are probably the same old ones which have been answered hundreds of times(guilty here  :P), yet he still answers them kindly and patiently.  Props Big T.  DH is lucky to have you.That's my $.02 for the day.  🙂


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks bro I appreciate that. I do my best around here. Just like everyone else.


    I agree, DH forums wouldn't be the same without Tex.


    Richard Schmitt

    Can't give all the credit to me bro, plenty of others who do just as much as I do. And I know is greatly appreciated. We're all in this as a team and together.


    Brandon D Christ

    I agree, DH forums wouldn't be the same without Tex.

    +1Though I do miss the Longhorn avatar.



    Can't give all the credit to me bro, plenty of others who do just as much as I do. And I know is greatly appreciated. We're all in this as a team and together.

    And an attitude like this is EXACTLY why Tex would make a great admin.



    Ah, BigTex, you just can't win here. You try to be modest, then they pull it up as *another* reason to make you Admin 😉



    Ah, BigTex, you just can't win here. You try to be modest, then they pull it up as *another* reason to make you Admin 😉

    haha! +1


    Richard Schmitt

    I agree, DH forums wouldn't be the same without Tex.

    +1Though I do miss the Longhorn avatar.

    I was thinking about that today, it is football season and I want that avatar back >=]


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah, BigTex, you just can't win here. You try to be modest, then they pull it up as *another* reason to make you Admin 😉

    I speak the truth though;)


    Richard Schmitt

    Can't give all the credit to me bro, plenty of others who do just as much as I do. And I know is greatly appreciated. We're all in this as a team and together.

    And an attitude like this is EXACTLY why Tex would make a great admin.

    Ha we'll see bro, again I really appreciate it.


    Luis S.

    Tex it really is great to have you around. Someone thats been here since the beginning and has learned so much along with the rest of us, and use that knowledge to help others. Great to have you with as, and just want to thank you for all the advice you have given me!


    Craig jones

    I have no say in the matter, but with the recent need for administrators due to spamming and trolling, I thought maybe some of us could vouch for those who we think are deserving of that privilege.  I think it's only fair to give credit where credit is due.I'm not sure if he's even interested, but I think if anyone around here should be a site administrator, it should be Big Tex.  The time and energy he invests in DH and in helping fellow members is amazing.  The guy seemingly goes around answering every question and replying to every post like Santa Claus distributing presents on Christmas Eve.  I should add that many of those questions are probably the same old ones which have been answered hundreds of times(guilty here  :P), yet he still answers them kindly and patiently.  Props Big T.  DH is lucky to have you.That's my $.02 for the day.  🙂

    +1 There is a few others too. I don't know where they find the energy to answer the same old questions time and time again. Don't get me wrong, I'm on here constantly and very committed to this forum with a massive thirst for the knowledge it brings but it is obviously for more selfish reasons as it has just dawned on me.Think I might try to help out a little more where I can and take the load off tex lolGood work brother and fellow DH members. This truely is a unique site.Craig



    I agree, DH forums wouldn't be the same without Tex.




    I agree, DH forums wouldn't be the same without Tex.

    +1Though I do miss the Longhorn avatar.

    I was thinking about that today, it is football season and I want that avatar back >=]

    Longhorn avatar sighting...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 77 total)

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