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    Some other members who I wanna thank for caring about and doing so much for this site, in my opinion, are ibobland, Cory, D$(who's already an admin), TrevorX, Dr. Patel, and Fairy.  Like Tex said, I'm sure there are many more, but those are a few of the people that come to mind for me. 



    Thank you PJ 🙂 I am a bit shocked how many posts I've written in the past six weeks 😮 haha. I love being immersed in this topic of interest 😉



    Thank you PJ 🙂 I am a bit shocked how many posts I've written in the past six weeks 😮 haha. I love being immersed in this topic of interest 😉

    Haha you keep the rest of us immersed as well.  For me one of the best things about CBL and CNS is the open-mindedness and eagerness of the people who follow them to always want to discover new things and/or learn from their mistakes.  This is probably a reflection of Kiefer himself, who seems to have read every study known to man lol before even making any claims or drawing any conclusions.  It gives me confidence to know that even now he and others behind CBL/CNS are keeping themselves updated and informed. I think the downfall of other plans and diets is that their advocates are too proud and stubborn to accept change and modify their methods even in the face of hard science.


    Richard Schmitt

    Exactly what I mean, we are a great team and a great community. I wouldn't want to be any place else that here. Be awesome to be able to work under one roof.



    I think we should all “+1” for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!



    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    That would be awesome to see


    Lauren Norfleet

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1 absolutely agree


    Richard Schmitt

    Really really appreciate it y'all. You know…if I did receive this great honor and be coached by the man himself, I'd be highly honored and be feel highly privileged. I would also definitely share any and all experience/tips with everyone on this amazing forum. I'd still think it would be pretty cool to work in the DH Office with many of y'all too 8)


    Craig jones

    +1 tex for president


    Jack O'Neill

    Agree.BigTex for Administrator!



    +1 I would really like to see Kiefer giving Tex some personal coaching. He deserves it. Unfortunately, I think Kiefer finds looking at these forums a bit overwhelming, and I totally understand why


    Richard Schmitt

    I wonder what Kiefer would say and think to these forums now.


    Craig jones

    He would have to be proud, you think?


    Richard Schmitt

    He would have to be proud, you think?

    I would think so as well!


    Damon Amato

    Agree.BigTex for Administrator!

    It's not very exciting, I basically just bugged Kiefer about it so I'd have power to ban the recent spammers.  I honestly don't even know what other things an administrator can do.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 77 total)

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