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  • #81834


    D now has untold power…


    Damon Amato

    untold is right…



    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!



    Luis S.

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)


    Richard Schmitt

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm not even sure if DH Kiefer checks the forums anymore. Let alone his DH Athlete crew


    Luis S.

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm not even sure if DH Kiefer checks the forums anymore. Let alone his DH Athlete crew

    Yeah that kinda buggs me >.> Anyways we should at least bug him till he notices.  ;D


    Richard Schmitt

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm not even sure if DH Kiefer checks the forums anymore. Let alone his DH Athlete crew

    Yeah that kinda buggs me >.> Anyways we should at least bug him till he notices.  ;D

    Tanner Fox makes appearances on here quite a bit too! Forgot to mention that. And yeah it would be a good idea to try.



    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm up for this.  Let's officially start one.  Anybody else willing to participate?  ;D



    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm not even sure if DH Kiefer checks the forums anymore. Let alone his DH Athlete crew

    All the more reason he could use some help.



    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm up for this.  Let's officially start one.  Anybody else willing to participate?  ;D

    I know a better idea: Let's just all request it on the next BioJacked podcast question list. He reads that every week


    Brandon D Christ

    Kiefer did answer all of Tex's questions (there were a ton of them) in the last biojacked episode.  I'd hate to rain on anyone's parade, but I am positive Kiefer wouldn't personally coach Tex.  He just has too much other stuff to deal with, such as creating content for everybody else.What Kiefer could do is refer Tex to someone that could help him.



    What Kiefer could do is refer Tex to someone that could help him.Like someone who communicates with Kiefer often?  That would be cool too.


    Richard Schmitt

    Kiefer did answer all of Tex's questions (there were a ton of them) in the last biojacked episode.  I'd hate to rain on anyone's parade, but I am positive Kiefer wouldn't personally coach Tex.  He just has too much other stuff to deal with, such as creating content for everybody else.What Kiefer could do is refer Tex to someone that could help him.

    He did!? Awesome, I gotta go listen and apply it to everyone else here. Thanks Ibo, I didn't know that happened. I'd be inclined to pretty much anything Kiefer has to offer. Not being self-centered or anything. I'm pretty much taking what he lays out in articles, podcast, etc and understanding it to the best of my knowledge. Plus we do have plenty of awesome members who were here from the beginning.


    Tanner Fox

    I think we should all "+1" for Kiefer to give Tex some personal coaching. He really is the heart and soul of this forum!

    +1I think we should start a thread for Tex in which we ask all DH members to vote for Kiefer to coach him!!!! Maybe that will get his attention.  8)

    I'm not even sure if DH Kiefer checks the forums anymore. Let alone his DH Athlete crew

    Yeah that kinda buggs me >.> Anyways we should at least bug him till he notices.  ;D

    Tanner Fox makes appearances on here quite a bit too! Forgot to mention that. And yeah it would be a good idea to try.

    Thanks buddy.  You do an awesome job on here.  You ALL do an awesome job on here.  Believe me when I say if Kiefer had the time he would personally coach you Tex.  The effort you have put into this site is evident reading almost every post.  There just aren't enough hours in a day for him to get to everything.  When I started working with him we met once a week for about 3 weeks, after that it was once every couple of weeks.  And now it's even longer than that.  After about 40 texts I finally get a reply :).  I have the system down and know what tweaks to make now so I only contact him if it's something critical.  Does Kiefer just not care?  Hell yea he cares.  But he is being pulled 1000 different directions which makes it difficult to make EVERYONE happy, keep pushing the DH brand, podcasts, traveling, interviews, etc. etc.  Kiefer's mind works VERY logically due to his physics background, and if he can publish information that will help 100s (or even 1000s), that will be helping to a greater extent then helping one person individually. 



    Random Tangent:"Believe me when I say if Kiefer had the time he would personally coach you Tex."Sorry to be picky about this Tanner, it's just one of my pet peeves.We all have the same number of hours in the day, and we all have different priorities. Kiefer does have time to coach whoever he wants to, he just chooses to spend his time working on his business (which of course is entirely his call, and I'm happy for him).Let's not dis-empower him, or anyone else, by acting like he doesn't have control over his own time please:)

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)

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