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  • #81849

    Tanner Fox

    Very true which is why I stated this last line in my post:Kiefer's mind works VERY logically due to his physics background, and if he can publish information that will help 100s (or even 1000s), that will be helping to a greater extent then helping one person individually.  The main takeaway for me is that he has created this following that has enabled him to be respected by the masses which has granted him the opportunity to spread his information to a large number of people.  What once was a guy training a select number of people and writing a few articles here and there has spiraled into something with the potential of becoming something huge.  With how fast things are growing, and the current staff Kiefer has, its a very volatile environment requiring all resources from him.  But if you pour your heart and soul into something you truly believe in, that is what is required.All in all I do agree to the fact that it is in his power though. 



    Cool. Yup, of course I'm glad he's pushing for mass market. The more people who understand this stuff the better. Though, I suspect it could still take a few decades to become mainstream …


    Brandon D Christ

    Very true which is why I stated this last line in my post:Kiefer's mind works VERY logically due to his physics background, and if he can publish information that will help 100s (or even 1000s), that will be helping to a greater extent then helping one person individually.  The main takeaway for me is that he has created this following that has enabled him to be respected by the masses which has granted him the opportunity to spread his information to a large number of people.  What once was a guy training a select number of people and writing a few articles here and there has spiraled into something with the potential of becoming something huge.  With how fast things are growing, and the current staff Kiefer has, its a very volatile environment requiring all resources from him.  But if you pour your heart and soul into something you truly believe in, that is what is required.All in all I do agree to the fact that it is in his power though.

    That's what I am getting at.  To be honest, I would like Kiefer to personally coach me as well.  I am sure hundreds of people would.  However, consider these two options:Option 1:  Kiefer selects X amount of people to personally coach.  Since there are hundreds of people who would probably want this service, nearly everbody would be left out.  The result of this is Kiefer will not be able to publish as much info for the people that aren't being coached by him.Option 2:  Kiefer focuses on expanding DH and keeps researching and developing methods.  He could also put together a team of trainers (the rumor mill churned this out before) that are Kiefer approved who could help everyone who wants helped.  These trainers I bet would have to regulary attend conferences and meetings with Kiefer on new developments.I would definately choose option 2 over option 1.  The chances of anyone getting selected is nearly zero.  It would be more beneficial for everyone if Kiefer trained very few people and ran DH as a top down system.


    Tanner Fox

    Very true which is why I stated this last line in my post:Kiefer's mind works VERY logically due to his physics background, and if he can publish information that will help 100s (or even 1000s), that will be helping to a greater extent then helping one person individually.  The main takeaway for me is that he has created this following that has enabled him to be respected by the masses which has granted him the opportunity to spread his information to a large number of people.  What once was a guy training a select number of people and writing a few articles here and there has spiraled into something with the potential of becoming something huge.  With how fast things are growing, and the current staff Kiefer has, its a very volatile environment requiring all resources from him.  But if you pour your heart and soul into something you truly believe in, that is what is required.All in all I do agree to the fact that it is in his power though.

    That's what I am getting at.  To be honest, I would like Kiefer to personally coach me as well.  I am sure hundreds of people would.  However, consider these two options:Option 1:  Kiefer selects X amount of people to personally coach.  Since there are hundreds of people who would probably want this service, nearly everbody would be left out.  The result of this is Kiefer will not be able to publish as much info for the people that aren't being coached by him.Option 2:  Kiefer focuses on expanding DH and keeps researching and developing methods.  He could also put together a team of trainers (the rumor mill churned this out before) that are Kiefer approved who could help everyone who wants helped.  These trainers I bet would have to regulary attend conferences and meetings with Kiefer on new developments.I would definately choose option 2 over option 1.  The chances of anyone getting selected is nearly zero.  It would be more beneficial for everyone if Kiefer trained very few people and ran DH as a top down system.

    Could not agree more Ibo.


    Damon Amato

    What Kiefer could do is refer Tex to someone that could help him.

    Like someone who communicates with Kiefer often?  That would be cool too.I do (sometimes).  Tex, you can always message me. We'll definitely get it figured out. I have to agree with Tanner though. Kiefer has messages me a few times saying things like, "I have something super critical I need you to do," and then I don't hear from him for a month. It is what it is.


    Richard Schmitt

    I appreciate Dmunnee I might do that every now and then. I don't want to be a bothersome ass about it as well. I would be thrilled to be apart of the DH Crew. (Officially 😉 ) Yeah Kiefer and I had a conversation going a couple months back, never heard from him sense.



    Hmm.  I don't know how this thread evolved into this, but I never really meant to nominate Big Tex as Kiefer's right-hand man, vice president, personal assistant, or anything of that sort lol.  I agree that Kiefer is an extremely busy man, and it would most efficient for him to delegate the caretaking of his followers to a team of trainers that he trusts.My point is simply that Tex deserves to be and should be a PART of that team because of the time and effort he invests in this thing, and because nobody has the pulse of the DH community better than he does.  If Kiefer spent some time working with a group of people like Tex who are involved and pro-active(not just 1 person), it would actually allow him to get more accomplished in the long run.  Information he gives directly to that team will quickly trickle down to the rest of us DH members, who in turn would help spread the word correctly and accurately to family, friends, etc. while Kiefer focuses on the bigger things.Believe me, I would like nothing more than to see CBL and CNS actually explode into the mainstream.  I would love to see Kiefer get credit for debunking Dr. Oz and everyone else out there because frankly I'm sick and tired of hearing the same old lies being preached like gospel.  I hope Kiefer realizes just how powerful a tool DH has become of late and the potential it has of taking his work to the next level.Btw Tanner, appreciate your words of assurance man.  It's good to hear that Kiefer does care from someone who talks to him and works with him personally.



    A good example of the point I'm trying to make is D$ becoming an administrator.  He has repeatedly said that aside from banning spammers, he really doesn't what being an administrator even means lol.  It would be extremely encouraging if D$ along with Tex and the others were allowed to play a bigger and more “official” role when it came to CBL/CNS/etc.


    Damon Amato

    stay tuned…


    Brandon D Christ

    I kind of like the idea of Dmunnee being head S.H.I.T., he has the professional credentials and he commands respect because he is like ten years older than everyone else 🙂 Plus Kiefer has taken kind of a liking to him it seems.  I mean no disrespect towards Big Tex.


    Richard Schmitt

    I kind of like the idea of Dmunnee being head S.H.I.T., he has the professional credentials and he commands respect because he is like ten years older than everyone else 🙂 Plus Kiefer has taken kind of a liking to him it seems.  I mean no disrespect towards Big Tex.

    Nope none taken. I know my age plays a big factor in a lot of this too.


    Some other members who I wanna thank for caring about and doing so much for this site, in my opinion, are ibobland, Cory, D$(who's already an admin), TrevorX, Dr. Patel, and Fairy.  Like Tex said, I'm sure there are many more, but those are a few of the people that come to mind for me.

    Thank you, P.J.I've only been browsing this thread, but I'd be up to help at a higher capacity.  I am willing to take any responsiblity to be of service.Cory



    stay tuned...




    I was so pumped this morning when I found out about Kiefer creating his DH inner circle!  This is gonna be HUGE for the future of DH/CBL/CNS.  Good luck guys and congrats in advance!  ;D


    Richard Schmitt

    I was so pumped this morning when I found out about Kiefer creating his DH inner circle!  This is gonna be HUGE for the future of DH/CBL/CNS.  Good luck guys and congrats in advance!  ;D

    I saw this too!

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