Owning a Gym

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    Does anyone here own a gym or know someone that does? Can you tell me your thoughts on owning one? How difficult would it be to run one? How financially stable would it possibly be assuming it is a decent gym in a decent location? I've always wanted to own one. Any opinions are appreciated.


    Rock Smash

    Go to articles.elitefts.net and search for pieces on opening gyms, etc.  Lots there on everything from equipment, space estimation, business models, and more.  If you struggle to find what you're looking for, PM me; I don't check here often enough to answer quickly.Also, Eric Cressey (Cressey Performance) has written several similar articles that can be found on his site, as has Mike Robertson.  The bottom line is that it's complicated, has more to do with business and good biz acumen than training, and depends heavily on demographics in your location and where you choose to open.



    alright thanks alot


    Rock Smash

    alright thanks alot

    Joe Hashey (Synergy Athletics) is another great resource - you might want to contact him and pick his brain.  Same with Elliott Hulse.Most of these guys are super-nice and really good, but also very busy.  Be sure to approach them with great humility and deference to whatever their time constraints are.  Ask them how you can get a few minutes (after doing your homework), and see if you can call them up.  Schedule a time and be religious about keeping it -- don't waste their time or you won't get another shot.Yeah, sounds obvious, but not everyone understands.



    yea i have been doing alot of research. theres alot of stuff at elitefts on this topic. Thanks for the help and pointing me in the right direction. i appreciate it.


    Rock Smash

    I hope it's helpful.  Just make sure you name your gym something serious like The Iron Pit or something equally subversive, and we'll be even.



    alright will do. if i follow through with this my gym wont be like a typical commercial gym if that makes you feel better. ha Ill actually have squat racks.



    Thanks for this info! Def opening my own gym soon!


    Rock Smash

    Hope it helps.  Most in the industry are very helpful, particularly for those of us who want to compete with LA Fatness and the like.Guys like Ferrugia and Hashey and Hulse are growing -- Eric Cressey is doubling his gym size this year to accommodate his added clients.  It can be done, but clearly takes a lot of preparation and work.  Get to it.



    I'll be setting up shop in a small town – I think that that's where I'd be of the most service Hulse/Ferruggia/Even-Esh excellent sources for this type of set up, just didn't know that elite fts had some info on it ! thanks again! You own your own gym?



    @catalyst – Do you mind describing what you want your gym to be like? How big for example?

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Owning a Gym

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