Pale Floating Stool

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    Hey guys, had an alarm in the toilet today.  Pale colored, floating stool.  I have been on low carb, high fat for the last few weeks.  (developing basement, so not lifting/CBL).  I have read that high fat diets can cause something called steatorrhea.  Basically you are eating more fat than can be digested, or you are overwhelming your bile production.  Anybody out there on CN experience this?  Going to my doc to rule out other causes.  Would be good to know if others have experienced this.Thanks


    Brandon D Christ

    I had steatorhea before.  Reduce your fat intake and take some digestive enzymes.  Despite what the keto zealots claim, some people can't handle really high fat diets.  How much fat are you eating each day?



    Thanks for the response.  holy crap..I just added it up.  Lately, I am probably consuming over 220 g of fat a day (weigh 195#)


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks for the response.  holy crap..I just added it up.  I am probably consume over 220 g of fat a day lately (weigh 195#)

    Yea that's pretty high, I'd reduce it down to 150 g or so.

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Pale Floating Stool

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