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  • #11011

    I know a few of the members are going, lets get a list of who is.I am, and I know Tex is. Who else?


    Richard Schmitt

    Whoo! I'm stoked



    Oh yeah. Gosh I'm excited 😀 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Considering I only live an hour and a half away I'd like to, but work…


    Adrian Caron

    I'm expecting a group photo with Kiefer!


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm expecting a group photo with Kiefer!

    That ought to be pretty cool.


    Igor Vidovic

    I'm expecting a group photo with Kiefer!


    training log



    Ask and you shall receive.. however, I don't know where Trevor disappeared to…


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.


    Adrian Caron



    Richard Schmitt

    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.

    I was wondered why he didn't join us too =/Hey now, it was a cool experience haha


    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.

    I was wondered why he didn't join us too =/Hey now, it was a cool experience haha

    Not much of a picture guy, I took the photo.I got to meet and chat with Kiefer a bit which was cool. He knew who I was talked to me a little a couple times without me starting the conversation, that was cool. He is really a nice and down to earth guy.



    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.

    I was wondered why he didn't join us too =/Hey now, it was a cool experience haha

    Not much of a picture guy, I took the photo.I got to meet and chat with Kiefer a bit which was cool. He knew who I was talked to me a little a couple times without me starting the conversation, that was cool. He is really a nice and down to earth guy.

    That's damn cool to hear that about Kiefer and makes me feel even better about following his protocols and buying his books.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.

    I was wondered why he didn't join us too =/Hey now, it was a cool experience haha

    Not much of a picture guy, I took the photo.I got to meet and chat with Kiefer a bit which was cool. He knew who I was talked to me a little a couple times without me starting the conversation, that was cool. He is really a nice and down to earth guy.

    Oh really what did you discuss with him? 


    Yea I saw that on Facebook and that's what I thought, where's Trevor?  Tex looks like a kid on Christmas morning in that picture haha.

    I was wondered why he didn't join us too =/Hey now, it was a cool experience haha

    Not much of a picture guy, I took the photo.I got to meet and chat with Kiefer a bit which was cool. He knew who I was talked to me a little a couple times without me starting the conversation, that was cool. He is really a nice and down to earth guy.

    Oh really what did you discuss with him?

    Honestly we just talked about random stuff. Massage, sports, cycling, and we hit on another topic but I don't remember now.

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