Pepsi creates fat blocking soda for the idiot masses

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    Eric Shaw

    It's sad to see how many people will fall for this kind of crap and it's even sadder to know that there are companies, scientists and doctors that are giving the green light for this dangerous crap based on junk science.


    Lesli Bortz

    I haven't even checked the link – the title said enough…………………..insane!!! And people WILL BUYT IT IN MASS QUANTITY.



    It's the Diet Coke fiasco allover again, remember since Diet Coke had 0 cal, it meant people could/would anything and never get fat.



    Be grateful. It's Darwinism in action. They will probably be unable to reproduce.



    Has been on the market in Japan for quite some time now. It has dextrin, a solulable fiber which they claim sucks dietary fat our of the stomach.



    I just dont drink soda haha. Will be “interesting” to hear other people talk about it.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yep haven't had a soda in years and don't care for it much now



    Oh dear, it stops dietary fat absorption? Well, that's not going to help achieve anything.


    Lesli Bortz

    I have diet Pepsi all the time. Now someone tell me why I shouldn't…I know it's coming… :-



    “The average American drinks 44.7 gallons of soda per year, according to 2010 statistics from the Beverage Marketing Corporation. That's actually down from 51.5 gallons in 2005.”We're making progress 🙂



    I clicked a related article on the sinde. OH GOD WHY!it has nuggets of wisdom such as "Not only do people who skip their morning meal—or begin the day with only a cup of coffee—have less energy, worse moods, and poorer memory those who eat breakfast, studies show, but they also face some serious health risks. First of all, they’re up to 450 percent more likely to become obese"



    lol!People. It is up to us to get ripped, so when others ask us why we can say:* Skip breakfast* Eat red meat* Eat bags of jelly beans once a week!Oh, and skip the soda!



    I have diet Pepsi all the time. Now someone tell me why I shouldn't...I know it's coming... :-

    shit, i am drinking one right now LOL


    Lesli Bortz

    Yep….me too!


    Brandon D Christ

    I can't give up my diet pop, it is my only dietary vice  ;D  Seriously though, I do not buy into the whole artificial sweeteners cause cancer and obesity, especially the latter.  If diet pop caused obesity I would be a fat ass.To be honest, this Pepsi wouldn't be bad if they used better fiber sources.  I do think it is a good idea to get SOME fiber (I find 10-15 grams to be good).  It could be useful for a gas station emergency.  Blocking fat....yea that's garbage.

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Pepsi creates fat blocking soda for the idiot masses

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