Perfect Health Diet

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    Rob Haas

    Since it was on the Podcast has anyone else read Dr. Paul Jaminet's book? I'm reading it now, excellent book with lot's of science.


    Robert x Oleary

    The pod cast piqued my curiosity, I really want to understand intermittent fasting more, and that seems like the back bone of his diet based off the podcast. Does it go into detail about studies around IF?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Rob Haas

    Not that far into it yet. So far thought the science discussed is awesome. That's part I get into. If I can wrap my head around why something works or doesn't work I can and will do it 100%. There's allot of similar points between CBL and PHD. PHD is more of a healing diet though for those with some metabolic damage which I can imagine would be helpful for trainers. I do see so many trainers who know there way around the gym but when it comes to diet, it's basic knowledge only and is probably even damaging for some of their clients.Anyway, well worth the time and money to get the book IMO.

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