Personal experience with other diets

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    Luis S.

    So i was talking to a friend of mine whos also an iron head(my personal word for people with a love for the gym). He was talking to me about all the different diets hes tried throughout the years. I had heard of a lot of them but never really tried them. Before CBL and CNS the only diet i had tried was the 6 meal bullshit. Im interested to know what other diets you guys have tried and how have the results been?


    Naomi Most

    I was raw vegan for about a year, and “raw primal” for 3 years after that.  This meant about 60% of my calories came from FRUIT (yeah, I know) and only about 15% from protein.  My energy levels were actually very high, but then again I was in my mid-20s, so who cares.Then I went to Japan for 3 months, worked on farms, and couldn't afford fruit, so switched to the Okinawan diet and ate a lot of pickles.  Breakfast was salted/smoked fish with miso soup, rice, and natto (yumm! yes I'm weird), lunch was usually a huge lump of rice with some fish inside, and dinner was fish and veggies and rice, or maybe beef tataki and veggies and rice if the family was feeling saucy.During both of those periods, I stayed above 24% bodyfat, and actually reached nearly 30% bodyfat on the raw vegan "eat all day like a primate" approach.  Didn't matter how much I exercised, during those high-fruit times... I averaged 140lbs.  Not even thin enough to call "skinny fat", not in the Bay Area anyway.When I got to 24% bodyfat, it was because I'd finally started lifting some weights.  My weight and shape didn't change much, though, so I didn't see the point in working hard at the gym, at the time.  Basically, if I'd been paying one iota of attention to peri-workout nutrition, I would have had a much easier time.  But I was kinda stuck on this "eat instinctively, do whatever feels right as long as it's raw" dogma.  Was never happy with my body of course.  Figured I just wasn't "raw enough" (this is a crucial aspect of the raw food dogma), and dialed down my calories to something like 1500 a day.  That did nothing for me, so I gave up.Then I had a baby (October 2010), decided to "get serious" about getting good results, and finally tried Carb Nite...


    Luis S.

    Just fruits? Haha thats crazy lol. But i would love to get my hands on some home made Japanese food.



    I've tried a lot through the years.  I started with BFL 10 or so years back and it was actually a decent starting point for me just learning to eat properly and exercise regularly and chart progress.  I hadn't ever worked out so the changes were dramatic but nowhere near the claims.  I did go from about 250 down to around 205 in the 12 weeks.  I've done the 6 meal thing for years and have done diets pushing all sorts of different macro ratios and then different days with different ratios etc.  I have done Cheat to Lose, Berardi style, Zone style, followed eating plans outlined in different lifting programs from Waterbury, et al over at tnation.  I've used just about every supplement and followed those diet plans as well.  Some were affective for a while, some didn't do much for me at all, and some I just had to quit due to injury or illness. None have ever gotten me lean and some have def packed on some lean mass.  I don't feel I have ever lost weight without also losing a ton of LBM.  I have done some crazy low caloric diets as well that left me in a bad place.Last year I was ready to hire Shelby Starnes to design a program for me but I ended up using the indigo supp from tnation and going that route for 8+ weeks.  It was affective but I still don't know if it was due to the supp or due to the 2+ hours a day I was working out.  Usually 90 minutes in the morning and the another 60 at night.  I ended up getting injured towards towards other end (longissimus thoracis strain) and never got back to it.  Family and work demands picked up and I couldn't give it the time it required anymore.  Still have some of that expensive stuff sitting on my shelf.


    Brandon D Christ

    Never followed official diets, but everytime I tried to lose weight I was successful:In high school I did my quit drinking pop (soda for you weirdos) diet and I lost 10 lbs.  I drank probably 40 ounces of Pepsi a day, so who would of thought eliminating all that fructose would make you lose weight.Freshman year of college I was too poor and lazy to eat a lot so I lost weight by accident, so I figured I would go on a 1500 calorie diet.  I was pretty overweight at the time and I lost 40 lbs over the course of 6 months.I got into bodybuilding and followed the standard bodybuilding diet and got down to about 7% bodyfat at one point.  It works, but it is incredibly inconvenient.Finally I discovered CBL (which I initially dimissed) and now I maintain the lean physique while including some of the staples of my high school fat kid diet.Funny, huh?


    Luis S.

    Never followed official diets, but everytime I tried to lose weight I was successful:In high school I did my quit drinking pop (soda for you weirdos) diet and I lost 10 lbs.  I drank probably 40 ounces of Pepsi a day, so who would of thought eliminating all that fructose would make you lose weight.Freshman year of college I was too poor and lazy to eat a lot so I lost weight by accident, so I figured I would go on a 1500 calorie diet.  I was pretty overweight at the time and I lost 40 lbs over the course of 6 months.I got into bodybuilding and followed the standard bodybuilding diet and got down to about 7% bodyfat at one point.  It works, but it is incredibly inconvenient.Finally I discovered CBL (which I initially dimissed) and now I maintain the lean physique while including some of the staples of my high school fat kid diet.Funny, huh?

    Haha you are one of those few people that small changes in diet makes a huge diference. So jealous bro lol.



    Before i tried Kiefers diets i never really did a pre- made and already layed out diet.I just read around the web. Articles from people who knew their stuff when it came to nutrition , dieting and diet motivation. People like Thib, Meadows,Shelby, Kiefer, Tate, Shugart. I put together what seemed like the best of their tips and strategies,  and ended up losing about 100 lbs doing something very similar to CarbNite.

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Personal experience with other diets

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