"Pet Burger" for people?

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    So I'm a college student, and don't have the most money but prioritize food quality.Looking at the ingredients this seems perfectly safe and healthy to eathttp://www.grasslandbeef.com/Detail.bok?no=879In fact they say the only reason it's labeled for pets is due to the high fat content (35%). Seems to me that it's a great price for a high quality nutritious product.Thoughts?TL;DR: Contemplating eating dog food


    now that is some out of the box thinking…


    Ha ha! Great stuff Zewski – if there was a medal for perseverance, you'd get it!Be aware - regulations/standards for foodstuffs to be fed to animals are far, far less stringent than for humans. Hygiene and handling standards are going to be much lower. Don't risk it. Especially meat.If they could sell it as human food, they would (better margins) - so why aren't they?Also.. on past evidence.. I'm not sure you've go the intestinal fortitude to deal with what might come up  😉



    Also.. on past evidence.. I'm not sure you've go the intestinal fortitude to deal with what might come up  😉

    Haha true statement. I'll just save this for when it's COMPLETELY necessary, which it isn't at the moment (and hopefully will never be). I was just trying to save a quick buck  😛Good call on the fact they don't have to regulate "pet" food as stringently. Can't blame a guy for trying  ;D

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"Pet Burger" for people?

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