Photo of the Founder of WeightWatchers

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    89dd21bf1a334dbbbed0bc025344888b.jpgApparently she 'still lives by' most of the WeightWatchers principles, and clearly eats their food. I don't intend to be mean, but judging by the large roll below her bosom, low calorie caramel cakes aren't doing it for her.Just a word of warning to anyone who thinks they can use the power of arithmetic to count their way out of being fat.This is her original before/after:jean-nidetch-400x400.jpg


    Richard Schmitt

    I will admit…when I was looking for easier ways to not have fat or carbs I was using WW foods like the Carrot Cake crap…I feel horrible buying Egg Whites that endorses WW haha


    Guest, this is really interesting. In this video, she (the founder of Weight Watchers) says that the way she lost the weight originally was by 'eating no potatoes, no starches, not even bread' and 'fish five times a week, with plenty of fruit and vegetables'. She then goes on to ridicule people eating cake while trying to lose weight . . . So why does WeightWatchers SELL cake?! This isn't the diet WeightWatchers endorses.



    I am not here to defend WW but for some people this sort of IIFIYM type diet works, some people are so addicted to these foods that they have to eat them everyday even in miniscule portions!!Something that restricts food like CNS does would kill these people



    I just happened to watch this woman's video diary on WeightWatchers, she spent a year losing 140 lbs with WW. Then she put it all back on! Her excuse? She moved house!



    By the way Mike, I used to be addicted to these foods, and I find it much easier to cut them out all together rather than try to have 'moderate' portion sizes. I can't have one scoop of ice cream, I want the whole tub. I can't have on doughnut, I need the whole bag. Hence why CNS works so well for me 😉



    For some reason, this reminds me of the following image:Nigella-Lawson-vs-Gillian-McKeith1.jpg



    @Fairy, im the same way. Cant just have one cookie, I sometimes envy those who can be satisfied by such. For me its very much all (not literally), or nothing.I think w/e works for ppl, as long as its not ruining their longterm health (the real problem w/ a lot of "diets) its fine. Im not a fan of IIFYM, but some people stand by, and I see some get good results. My main problem w/ it is, there is not distinction between fat from soybean oil, and fat from C.O.Other things like "A carb is a carb", etc, etc.



    For some reason, this reminds me of the following image:Nigella-Lawson-vs-Gillian-McKeith1.jpg

    Wow. Yep. It has to be cortisol levels. Nigella is way more chilled and a happier person generally.



    Yeah I agree, I cant say I am the same with the food situation because I dont really care about what it tastes like as long it makes me big 🙂 But yeah it definately depends on the person, some people just do not have the self control to deprive themsleves of things even for just a few days and when they do they are miserable. I feel bad for those people who are trapped by their addiction to shit.


    Brandon D Christ

    I actually think programs like weight watchers work fine for normal people and it is an improvement on the standard diet.  Fort instance my mother lost a lot of weight by following Dr. Oz's principles.  I also lost a lot of weight (40 lbs) by just going on a low calorie diet years ago.  You won't ever develop an awesome physique or be high performing, but I think it's good enough for what most people want, which is having a smaller waist.  One flawed thing  about judging these pop diets is that the people who use them aren't very dedicated.  A person who does CBL or Carb Nite will be much more dedicated than these people.  I believe that is one of the reasons why people tend to gain weight after they go off these diets, they just return to their previous lifestyle.



    I actually think programs like weight watchers work fine for normal people and it is an improvement on the standard diet.  Fort instance my mother lost a lot of weight by following Dr. Oz's principles.  I also lost a lot of weight (40 lbs) by just going on a low calorie diet years ago.  You won't ever develop an awesome physique or be high performing, but I think it's good enough for what most people want, which is having a smaller waist.  One flawed thing  about judging these pop diets is that the people who use them aren't very dedicated.  A person who does CBL or Carb Nite will be much more dedicated than these people.  I believe that is one of the reasons why people tend to gain weight after they go off these diets, they just return to their previous lifestyle.

    I agree and disagree. I have a special place in my heart for WW. When I started college in 2001 I was 210lbs...after getting down to 160 with a healthy diet, strength training, and running, I joined WW to get the extra pounds off. WW taught me about portion control and that I could eat MORE of certain foods like veggies and fruit and lose weight faster than if I ate small portions of junk. In theory, it is designed to teach you how to make healthier choices and portion control. I try not to judge other people's diets too much. If they are at least trying, I don't preach to them about how my way is the best or what they are doing is wrong. Most people don't want to be superwoman/man like we do so CBL/CNS is definately not for everyone!



    Well, I've never done WW, or known anyone who has. All I know is that they do calorie counting and encourage people to do cardio . . . Oh, and they sell cakes to fat people.I think they are likely ruining people's metabolisms. CNS is a better way to go. It's not as extreme as you make out. Something that is extreme is painstakingly calculating every 'calorie' that you consume and every 'calorie' that you supposedly burn. If people can do that, they can drop carbs. Bacon and eggs really isn't that hard to eat.



    The Gillian vs Nigella would be more telling if they were sisters as that would remove the genetic factor from the equation..  This is a very interesting conversation with a lot of excellent points regarding diet, weight lost, weight regained, and excuses..  The WW founder photos are interesting indeed, thanks for sharing.  I don't understand, other than for financial reasons, why they would market that crap..  Of course, they were most likely sucked into the old belief system of calories in/calories out or the high carb/low fat BS from the 70's and 80's..  Thankfully people are getting a grip and learning that real food trumps fake chemicals anyday..  With that in mind, I grew up homesteading and making my own butter after hand milking the cows.  That was a lifestyle I left for a bit in my early twenties, although I always organically gardened.  Now we we are back to field raised beef, non gmo, same with poultry products; I don't cull and/or process my own animals these days however.  If you were to look at my sister, who is only a few years older than I am, who lived off government subsidy products for 15+ years, you'd see someone who has aged prematurely..  To me that is very telling, my son and myself are very fit, athletic, and eat in the same fashion; we are disease free.  My sister's family have eaten processed foods, sugars, velveeta cheese; they have early metabolic disease syndrome...  Thankfully they have begun the process to make changes for the better, but they too, are lulled into marketing... 

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Photo of the Founder of WeightWatchers

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