Planet Fitness Commercial

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    Lesli Bortz

    The uprising has begun!



    Richard Schmitt

    Ah the talk of pizza...yum. I don't think we have a Planet Fitness around Texas at all. The only thing I can relate it to is 24 Hour

    Planet Fitness's membership is only $10 a month.  That is worth it just for the pizza.

    >=[ I pay a little over $30 for a shitty atmosphere... I'd pay ten bucks to just go there!

    I wouldn't work out there, I would just go there on pizza nights.  Supposedly, you can't deadlift at PF anymore and I have heard stories that of people getting in trouble for benching more than 185 lbs.

    Never mind keeping my 24!!!



    I used to work out at a Club Fitness but it has been always packed and full of a younger crowd who are more worried about their looks while at the gym and not actually focusing on getting the lifts in. Working out in a group of 3 or 4, staying on the squat rack the whole time, wasting time.I recently moved and now work out at packed I have seen it is with 12 people, including staff, it is like a weight dungeon, I love it! The owner has held several titles and is always willing to help.


    Lesli Bortz

    Nice. At least my gym is entertaining as much as I complain…you can't beat the people watching.



    That is so true, lol. Sometimes it is as good as going to walmart to people watch.

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Planet Fitness Commercial

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