Plateau HELP!!!

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    I am having trouble killing this benchpress plateau.. Ive been stuck at 245 for a month and a half. Ive been doing CBL:SA…I train..Mon- Chest/ShouldersTuesday-OffWednesday-Off/BackloadThursday-Back/TricepsFriday-OffSaturday-Off/BackloadSunday-Legs/Biceps/BackloadI keep my rep range between 3-5.  Also Im making strength gains everywhere else but my chest.. any tips?



    you try a strength specific program like 5/3/1?I really like chad waterbury's stuff so you might find this interesting



    I would personally backload strictly PWO for two weeks and see if that helps. Maybe increase carbs then too. Your Backloads may either be to big or your timing them wrong on your off days. Post a typical “off day” backload and we might be able to pin point a problem.



    I would personally backload strictly PWO for two weeks and see if that helps. Maybe increase carbs then too. Your Backloads may either be to small or your timing them wrong on your off days. You could be just really depleted when chest day rolls around. Post a typical "off day" backload and we might be able to pin point a problem. IF this is an eating issue. If its not then I would try increasing rep ranges at lower weight for a two or three weeks and see if you can bust the plateau that way.


    On Saturday at 6 I typically get in 300-400 carbs (with pizza, ice cream, etc.)  then I workout the following sunday morning, training legs and biceps.. then at 6 that day, I do the same by getting in 3-400 carbs. Then I workout chest and shoulders the following monday morning.. but I fast until 12 everyday then I eat chicken breast loaded with butter. Around 6 I eat more chicken breast and butter.



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Plateau HELP!!!

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