Plateau on CNS: too much HIIT?

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    Hello All,Had nice success the past 7 weeks using CNS but I've hit a little plateau and I fully realize it could be the diet and since some weeks i'm not able to adhere to it 100% due to work, I understand that could be #1 reason. I also realize the lower your bf becomes the harder it is, but I still feel like i have a few % points to lose before that's the case for me. So I recently reread parts of the CNS ebook to make sure I'm staying on point and read some of his comments on cardio and that doing too much of it can be detrimental (especially doing it heavy 3-4 days after a CN)...which I knew but my question to you all is...what is too much and what are your experiences (understanding this can be very individualistic)? I'm wondering if this might possibly be something that's causing my progress to slow? Below is my usual week.lift 4-5 days a week (shockwave), usually HIIT on spin bike 1-2x per week and also play basketball (at very intense level) 2x a week for couple hours at a time.Not playing is not an option at this point, so do I just drop the extra HIIT? do I have two CNs instead of one? Or do I just keep trying to tighten up the diet and continue with the above?I'm 6'2 185lbs 13-14% bf (was 203 around 18-20%) Goal - 9% bf 180-185lbs by June 1st.thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice


    I'd play with adding a second carb nite.I think it really helps with results around the 15% mark.



    Thanks, I think I may try that…or just switch over to CBL.

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Plateau on CNS: too much HIIT?

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