Platinum Hydrowhey PWO + Amino Energy Preworkout?

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    Thanks Gl;itch.e!  So would you recommend still taking 3gm of pills on top of what is already in the protein for my size (female around 113#)?  I am thinking if thats the case it's probably not worth spending the extra money for this expensive protein if I am still supplementing with the leucine.  I like the protein because its got 1carb and tastes good (I train in AM) but might start having carbs PWO anyway so maybe it doesn't matter too much.Always tweaking and experimenting to get to the next level!Thanks for you input.

    I would if cost isnt an issue. Powdered Leucine should be cheaper. But maybe go with whats cheapest AND most preferable to you. If you want you could do a full scoop of the hydrowhey. If its 9grams of BCAAs you should be getting just over 3 grams of leucine. Hydrolysed whey will digest fast enough so that should give you the kick you need. Just dont be afraid of adding the extra 3g leucine on top of that and to each backloading meal as well if you can afford it. It will definately help.

    If you live in the states then you should buy your hydrolysates and leucine from, it's so much cheaper that way.



    I have been using ON's Pro Complex.  It has a breakdown in milligramss of each amino right on the back.  I think Luciene is a around 5g.  Its definalty more expensive but for me its just easier. It was the hydro and caseine in it then i just mix in destrose i got from the local home beer brewing store ( thats where i am fugal, about $2 a lb).  Most importantly to me it tastes good !!

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Platinum Hydrowhey PWO + Amino Energy Preworkout?

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