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  • #4163

    So.. I read the book and my interpretation of it was to not eat carbs on off days.. I still eat my own bodyweight's worth of protein in chicken breast. Eating like this has really messed up my digestive system. I dont wanna aeat fruits and vegetables to get fiber cause of the carb thing… what do I do?I do eat fruits and vegetables will im backloading though...


    Igor Vidovic

    First of all hello =)To help you well need a wee bit more info. Like your weight ,training day schedule, and breakdown of current ULC day food intake.  I would be cautious with fruit and see how you respond to it,it might halt your goals. Watermelon is awesome during a backload. Now back to the carbs. Off days you still want to be sure youre low carbs but you can ingest high fiber veggies. Key is to stay well below 30g of USABLE carbs for the day. How much fat are you taking in and is your protein only coming from chicken? There's lots more I could ask but answer the ones I have so far and I or someone else can and will help you figure it out.Good luck

    training log


    Sounds like you aren't eating hardly any fat, which will screw you up.During any time you are ULC you want to match fat and protein my the gram.You really should avoid fiber during a backload as well.If you want a fiber supplement Kiefer has recommended triple fiber.


    thank you

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