Poll: How do you backload or have Carb Nites?

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    Brandon D Christ

    What is your backloading/Carb Nite method?  Clean means low fat carbs and dirty means high fat carbs.



    Lately I've taken to counting macros and staying low fat for the first half of the night. I introduce fattier carbs as the night progresses but I don't go over 100-110g of fat for the night. My carb count varies on hunger. I aim for 500g, but my aim isn't great and I often hit the 600-700g mark.


    Richard Schmitt

    For me I never truly pass .75g/target BW for fats. Which gives me a max of around 130g, however I never seem to pass 100g if I tried hard enough. For me clean is gluten free and relatively lower in fat.


    Lesli Bortz



    I eat what I like.I like white rice, I like white potatoes, and I like cereal so I eat those.I also have whole pizzas and ice cream a few times a week no matter what.



    I keep it clean at the bargaining then hit the fat dirty carbs the back half of the CN. Kept it low fat last weekend and didnt pack on the pounds like I have before and I didn't like that.


    I start out (@ 4pm) w/ candies… like jelly bears, etc.  Usually consuming ~600-1,200g of carb in the first 20 minutes.Then, I begin to add fatty carbs... like cookies, doughnuts, cakes, etc.  Nothing clean.Later, around 8-9pm, I add a restaurant or take-out meal.  Not clean either.I meet my remaining daily protein quota w/ powders, aside from the restaurant meal.  This further spikes insulin, and leaves more room for CN foods.The only change that has been made in my entire time doing CNS, is last Saturday was my first CN 100% gluten-free.  A trend I will be continuing to see how it affects my results.Cory


    Lesli Bortz

    That's what I'm afraid of!! If I start with candies, I will eat bags – no joke. I eat similar to you and it seems to work out pretty well IMO.


    That's what I'm afraid of!! If I start with candies, I will eat bags - no joke. I eat similar to you and it seems to work out pretty well IMO.

    Yep.  That's the method to my madness.  The more sugary candies I can down, the more fat-free carbs I've ingested to immediately spike my insulin, and kick-off the night.I usually go through 2-4 bags of candies, sometimes more, in the first 20 minutes.Then, I get bored, and start tossing back cupcakes, cookies, etc.Works well for me.  On my first CNS cycle, 6 months, I lost 26 lbs. of fat!Cory



    That's what I'm afraid of!! If I start with candies, I will eat bags - no joke. I eat similar to you and it seems to work out pretty well IMO.

    That's how I feel too. Candies I'd eat bags and bags of them. Whole foods get me my carbs and satisfy my hunger.



    That's what I'm afraid of!! If I start with candies, I will eat bags - no joke. I eat similar to you and it seems to work out pretty well IMO.

    Yep.  That's the method to my madness.  The more sugary candies I can down, the more fat-free carbs I've ingested to immediately spike my insulin, and kick-off the night.I usually go through 2-4 bags of candies, sometimes more, in the first 20 minutes.Then, I get bored, and start tossing back cupcakes, cookies, etc.Works well for me.  On my first CNS cycle, 6 months, I lost 26 lbs. of fat!Cory

    I've been thinking about not using maple syrup in favor of a low carb topping so I can add in more whole food carbs.I'm hopeing doughnuts are going to work because that's what's gonna go down this weekend. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to have a candy CarbNite.


    Lesli Bortz

    Chocolate sprinkle donuts…..and same reasoning here. If I add syrup it will be lighter to make sure my cake and ice cream happens XD



    Chocolate sprinkle donuts.....and same reasoning here. If I add syrup it will be lighter to make sure my cake and ice cream happens XD

    Now I know its a good plan if that's how you'd do it. I'll take out the maple and I'll be able to add in. 2-400 more carbs from other sources. These CarbNites are going to get huge when I have some more time on this program.


    Lesli Bortz

    Because they are so treeny now…



    I have shortened my CBL to start with my dinner 1/2 hr after my post workout shake and to last no more than a 1/2hr total so I pound in whatever high carb cake and ice cream chocolate concoction I can come up with to get as close to 400g as I can in 1 shot before I become too stuffed to breathe, lol. I homebake 99% of everything that I backload with and never pay attention to the fat content.RB

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Poll: How do you backload or have Carb Nites?

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