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    Sherylea Hurst

    Does anyone have any advice on the OCCASIONAL use of popcorn cooked in coconut/MCT oil and topped with grass fed butter?  I know it is a carb, but it seems that the carbs are not that high when the fiber is taken into account7 CUPS has 27 GRAMS NET CARBSI didn't want to use this on actual CN as the fibre would be a problem as far as spiking insulin.  THOUGHTS?


    Richard Schmitt

    Corn products are great for a CN, even better with popping them with CO and/or MCT Oil. Corn products do infact spike insulin. Pretty much what dextrose is, corn.During an ULC day...wouldn't be as ideal, but I guess below 10g in one sitting and 30g overall, sure.



    Tex would that mean movie theater popcorn is ideal since most theaters pop them in coconut oil?  I would love to make popcorn a regular part of carb nights/backloads but I've heard some people say corn/popcorn is not a good carb choice.


    Richard Schmitt

    It's fine and I do have popcorn once in a while if that helps.


    Tex would that mean movie theater popcorn is ideal since most theaters pop them in coconut oil?  I would love to make popcorn a regular part of carb nights/backloads but I've heard some people say corn/popcorn is not a good carb choice.

    Most theaters no longer use coconut oilThey used to, but now use mostly margarine because it's cheaper and isn't a saturated fat.


    Richard Schmitt

    Tex would that mean movie theater popcorn is ideal since most theaters pop them in coconut oil?  I would love to make popcorn a regular part of carb nights/backloads but I've heard some people say corn/popcorn is not a good carb choice.

    Most theaters no longer use coconut oilThey used to, but now use mostly margarine because it's cheaper and isn't a saturated fat.

    Ew seriously? Damn cheap bastards. I was actually going to go about looking that up, I assumed they kept with it.



    I'm gonna ask them now the next time I watch a movie haha.  Thanks for the replies guys.

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