I am trying to get a good idea of glycemic index of chips and popcorn and where is the best place to fit this into carbback loading. After training or closer to bedtime?
Probably closer to bedtime. Anecdotally I tend to get fat when I eat a lot of corn in any form. Not saying it will happen to you, just something to think about.
Probably closer to bedtime. Anecdotally I tend to get fat when I eat a lot of corn in any form. Not saying it will happen to you, just something to think about.
+1Yeah i would get a solid lower-fat high-carb meal(s) in first and finish with the junk
I know popcorn isn't ideal, but how about cornbread? I've had a real craving for it lately so I made some last week, and then again last night. I'm taking a short break from CBL and doing CNS for a month, so my choices aren't quite as restricted, but I'm just curious. It's just butter, eggs, flour, sugar and cornmeal, no whole kernels. I have seen a recipe that uses whole kernels though.
Give it a try. If you're not looking to step on stage in the near future you'll probably be fine.
I'm not looking to step on stage, but I am looking to get to ~9% body fat in the next month or so. Basically I'm just using CNS to get as realistically lean as possible (so not stage ready), so that I can resume CBL and be in a better position to gauge my results.