Pre-Workout Carbs

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    Hi Guys,I'm doing Density Bulking with Starting Strength. My week typically looks like this:Week 1MondayWorkout A - Squats, Bench, Deadlift, Dips, Twisting Abs exercisesTuesdayTag Rugby (Effectively 30ish minutes of HIIT Sprint Training - it's very big over here in Dublin.)WednesdayWorkout B - Squats, Overhead Press, Hang Cleans, Pullups, Leg Raises/CrunchesThursdayTag Rugby (Effectively 30ish minutes of HIIT Sprint Training - it's very big over here in Dublin.)FridayWorkout A - Squats, Bench, Deadlift, Dips, Twisting Abs exercisesWeekend - Rest and trying to avoid heavy nights out with limited degrees of success.Week 2MondayWorkout B - Squats, Overhead Press, Hang Cleans, Pullups, Leg Raises/CrunchesTuesdayTag Rugby (Effectively 30ish minutes of HIIT Sprint Training - it's very big over here in Dublin.)WednesdayWorkout A - Squats, Bench, Deadlift, Dips, Twisting Abs exercisesThursdayTag Rugby (Effectively 30ish minutes of HIIT Sprint Training - it's very big over here in Dublin.)FridayWorkout B - Squats, Overhead Press, Hang Cleans, Pullups, Leg Raises/CrunchesWeekend - Rest and trying to avoid heavy nights out with limited degrees of success.Diet is along these lines:07:45 - Wakeup08:00 - Coffee with Heavy Cream + Maybe 3 rashers of bacon10:00 - 100g of ham slices, individually rolled with soft cheese and cracked black pepper12:45 - 300g of chicken breast with green beans and cottage cheese15:00 - 17:00 - 25g Whey Isolate + 5g Creatine18:00 - Gym19:00 - PWO Shake: 50g Maltodextrin + 30g whey isolate + 20g casein + 20g whey hydrolysate +5g Leucine +5g creatine19:15 - Banana20:15 - 23:00 --> 1 meal of rice and chicken or similar + packet of haribo + ice cream + maybe a sandwich - Typically I think I struggle to hit my carbs unless I eat a lot of haribo! 1-1.5 litres of whole milkAs my primary aim is to put on muscle and I'm quite a low bodyfat (unsure of exact percentage - but I'm 6foot at 170pounds) - I am considering putting powdered oats in my pre-workout shake.Might some of you nutritional experts be able to enlighten me as to the effects this may have upon me? I believe it to be a good way to get in some extra carbs without hindering the principles of CBL too much!Thanks in advance!

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Pre-Workout Carbs

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