Pregnancy, kids, the whole nine yards..

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    Hi So my boyfriend and I are trying to make a baby ;D YAY! But it's gotten me thinking about low-carb eating while pregnant.. When it happens I will probably switch to a more paleo diet and will (if possible!) still avoid carbs and fruit, but definitely with a lot more veggies. But is that healthy for the baby? Or does a growing fetus need carbs?ย  Second part of the question is (albeit a bit into the future) about raising kids and living low-carb. Would it be recommendable to cut out carbs from a young kid's diet? Does anyone have their kids on CN for instance?This probably should've been in the girl's section, but there are so many knowledgeable guys on here that might have an opinion ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheersย 



    Surfer, you are in luck!!This entire blog is all about those Qs: BetterBabyBook.comAlso check out:



    Oh, and also, I think Dave Asprey's book comes out in Jan, so perfect timing for you. I'm not even planning to have a baby any time soon and I'm going to buy & devour that book just because it's worth it's weight in gold.



    OH yay! Thanks, Fairy, that's an excellent blog. ๐Ÿ™‚Will def be buying that book aswell, you can never be too prepared in trying to give your baby the most optimal conditions to grow in ๐Ÿ™‚



    You're welcome. I'm so glad you have that perspective ๐Ÿ™‚ You have lucky future babies!


    Brandon D Christ

    Robb Wolf has some good pregnancy stuff too.



    Good point Ibo ๐Ÿ™‚



    Aw shucks, thanks Fairy ๐Ÿ™‚I think having kids is such a privilege (one that too many people abuse) and it's your duty as a parent to make sure your kid has the best upbringing you can possibly provide with what resources you have at your disposal ๐Ÿ™‚I'll check out Robb Wolf's stuff too. Do you ever have doubts though, that what you're doing is the healthiest thing you could be doing? I mean, there are so much conflicting information out there. I feel great on CNS and it definitely works, but sometimes I freak out a bit over all the bacon, beef and butter! Because I've been told for like forever by society that that's a sure way to a heart attack?! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ



    No, I literally drink butter and do not fear saturated fat at all. You might want to swap the bacon for grass fed beef, pork chops and lamb to avoid nitrates.



    No, I literally drink butter

    I love that, that's epic! XD



    Eating low carb while pregnant isn't dangerous. You're baby will be fine. However, if my wife is any indicator I wouldn't suggest limiting your food choices at all. At least in the first few months anything you can keep down should be fair game. As far as kids, I think it depends on the kid. I have a 5 year old daughter who weighs 30lbs and is a tiny bag of ribs and elbows. Anything I can give her to get some calories in her is where we are currently. If she were fatter, I might consider limiting her carb intake.


    Damon Amato

    No, I literally drink butter and do not fear saturated fat at all. You might want to swap the bacon for grass fed beef, pork chops and lamb to avoid nitrates.

    no need to avoid nitrates.



    Another myth bites the dust…



    Hi So my boyfriend and I are trying to make a baby ;D YAY! But it's gotten me thinking about low-carb eating while pregnant.. When it happens I will probably switch to a more paleo diet and will (if possible!) still avoid carbs and fruit, but definitely with a lot more veggies. But is that healthy for the baby? Or does a growing fetus need carbs?ย  Second part of the question is (albeit a bit into the future) about raising kids and living low-carb. Would it be recommendable to cut out carbs from a young kid's diet? Does anyone have their kids on CN for instance?This probably should've been in the girl's section, but there are so many knowledgeable guys on here that might have an opinion ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheers

    I have two boys, I would personally NOT limit carbs in their diet. My boys are making professional olympic athletes look lazy, as long as they are lean and love to move, I would not see a reason why I should mess with their diet. If you have a 200lbs 10 year old at home who thinks doing sports is playing soccer on playstation, I would think about it, but do yourself and your kids a favor and raise them so that they have a clear understanding of food and don't develop any mental issue with food.



    Don't force feed them (finish your plate!) or under feed them (no dessert for you!) and you're over half way there ๐Ÿ™‚

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Pregnancy, kids, the whole nine yards..

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